Do Colorado Dems Have Learning and Emotional Disabilities? – IOTW Report

Do Colorado Dems Have Learning and Emotional Disabilities?

h/t illustr8r

Rep. Amy Paschal (D-HD18) coloring and playing with stickers on the house floor, in the middle of session. Is this a Senior Daycare Center, or a legislative body? This was during the debate on SB25-003, which if enacted will be the worst gun control measure Colorado has ever seen. ‘

15 Comments on Do Colorado Dems Have Learning and Emotional Disabilities?

  1. Might be. There is a lot of evidence for it. What should be more disturbing is that she’s, apparently, already decided how she’s going to vote and shut down any honest debate in her head. There might be very good, strong, constitutional arguments she should be listening to in order to fully serve her elected office and her constituents.

  2. I’m sitting in Orlando airport and there is a woman- probably 45-ish – wearing ears and a big fox tail.
    She’s one of those “furries” and can barely sit down with that stupid tail bunched up behind her.
    I wonder if she’s doing that for attention.

  3. woody – I wonder if she’s doing that for attention.

    Ask her. You’ll probably find out she has the personality of a baked-bean sandwich when she starts shrieking that you are a misogynist to ask such a thing!

  4. …the bill IS pretty heinous, and probably unconstitutional…

    Semiautomatic Firearms & Rapid-Fire Devices
    Concerning prohibited activity involving semiautomatic firearms, and, in connection therewith, prohibiting the manufacture, distribution, transfer, sale, and purchase of specified semiautomatic firearms, classifying a device that increases the rate of fire of a semiautomatic firearm as a dangerous weapon, and making an appropriation.”

    …nothing in the summary about the “Appropriation”, but how very Democrat to take your guns AND your money with the same bill…


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