Do Democrats Really Have Anything to Offer Their Base in 2020? – IOTW Report

Do Democrats Really Have Anything to Offer Their Base in 2020?

American Thinker:

The run for the 2020 election is turning into a contest between two dramatically different visions for America’s future.  Our nation is rapidly facing an inflection point as we approach the next election concerning the future political direction of our country.  Two diametrically opposite sets of political ideas are in direct competition for the support of the majority of Americans.

With the active support of the mainstream media, the various elements on the Left work hard to project the appearance of having the majority of political public opinion in their favor.  However, a little covered story that was recently released may provide a more accurate view of which side and set of political ideas is winning the overall political battle across the nation.

In 2019, there are 27 GOP governors and 23 Democratic governors across the country.  According to the Q2 2019 Report of Governor Approval Rankings by Morning Consult, a leading polling company, which was published on July 17, the top 14 most popular governors in the nation are Republicans, and 8 out of 10 of the most unpopular are Democrats.  The report indicates that Republican governors have a net approval rating on average that is 17 points higher than their Democratic counterparts.

In the two most populous states, Texas governor Greg Abbott earned the eighth position, while recently elected California governor Gavin Newsom quickly assumed a position in the bottom ten.  The relative positions in the rankings of these two governors accurately reveals the relative position of Texas versus California as desirable places to live as judged by their residents.

San Francisco is proud of its progressive heritage and remains one of the most scenic and beautiful cities in the world, possessing the great amenities of a leading urban center.  However, the overall atmosphere I experienced on my recent trip to this city was troubling.  Homelessness is rampart in the city and encounters with people with obvious issues beyond the lack of adequate shelter make the overall city environment seem unnecessarily dangerous and unpleasant.

In contrast, San Francisco and the neighboring Silicon Valley are the home to many of the world’s leading tech companies, creating opportunities for a wide range of talented, skilled, and highly educated people to become extremely successful and wealthy.  It is a city of obvious contrasts among an emerging class of mostly young, increasingly affluent people; a middle class in retreat because of extraordinary high housing prices; and various other people in distress to the point of being driven to living on the streets.

19 Comments on Do Democrats Really Have Anything to Offer Their Base in 2020?

  1. All I heard is Donny “Donny Douchebag” Deutsch threatened to leave msNBC if their viewers paid him some redickaless amount in cryptobitPAC donations.

    Oh Boy, Calling Tammy Fay Scarborough
    Let’s watch.

  2. Only hatred – of America, of patriots, of whites, of liberty, of decency, of integrity – in short, of every positive vestige of Western Civilization.

  3. Racial hatred, blaming the Jews and class envy leading to class starvation/murder is all they have to offer. For those too stoned or busy manually pleasing themselves at the thought of having their student loans paid off what they have to offer won’t feed the masses (that means you) and over night you won’t be able to afford your internet connection, phone bill or the next newest game for your Playstation 4. Hyper inflation is a bitch.

    In short Venezuela is all they have to offer.

  4. Ha ha ha
    Gateway Pundit-
    FBI Insider: El Paso Shooter Told Officials It was the Democrat Debate on Free Healthcare to Illegals — Not Trump! — That Triggered His Mass Shooting

  5. Speaking of donkeys, what the hell is Joaquin Castro doing releasing the identities of his constituents that donated the maximum amount to the re-elect Donald Trump campaign. Isn’t that at least a violation of congressional ethics? Talk about an oxymoron!

  6. Sure they do:

    1. Open borders.
    2. Free Medicare for all.
    3. Forgiveness for all student loans.
    4. Guaranteed income, tax free.
    5. Free college education.
    6. Free abortions. (Hey! That’s part of healthcare!)
    7. Elimination of the Republican Party.
    8. Silencing of Conservatives and anyone criticizing the government.
    9. Green New deal.
    10. One thousand-year Reich Socialist Utopia.

  7. “Our nation is rapidly facing an inflection point as we approach the next election concerning the future political direction of our country. ”


    Since Reagan. Literally. In fact, since Goldwater. Sooooo…..30 years I know about, probably another 20 before that….or all the way back to Declaration of Independence.

    There’s ALWAYS going to be two sides. You think the 2020 election is gonna’ be some sort of high water mark and after the election the losing side will just pull up stakes and quit?

    In the words of my generation.

    Nigga’ please.

    We had a civil wah and we still wound up stuck with the democrats. Go do something else, politics clearly isn’t your forte.


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