Do Not Touch The Yellow Cat – IOTW Report

Do Not Touch The Yellow Cat

Residents of a town in central Japan have been instructed not to approach a cat that fell into a tank of hexavalent chromium and, authorities fear, could expose local people to the highly toxic chemical.

22 Comments on Do Not Touch The Yellow Cat

  1. “hexavalent chromium”

    That Alodine. It’s a plating for aluminum. I wouldn’t be drinking the shit but grab the cat with some rubber gloves and give it a bath.

  2. Speaking as someone who had ACTUAL Cat Scratch Fever (an illness caused by the bacteria Bartonella henselae that is transmitted by cat scratches and not NEARLY as fun as Ted Nuget makes it out to be), I think a BETTER approach would be leave ANY cat that isn’t yours alone.

    And by no means FEED the thing, or you’ll have a job for LIFE.

  3. That yellow cat falling into a vat of hexavelent chromium will probably give it some kind of superpowers. The X-Men could always use a mutant cat. Why do these kinds of things almost always happen in Japan? Wasn’t a mutant Godzilla bad enough.

  4. Watch out for that chromium vat
    Dont you touch that yellow cat

    He took a hexavalent feline
    And rubbed it on his right eye
    He took a hexavalent feline
    And rubbed it on his left eye


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