Do The Right Thing – IOTW Report

Do The Right Thing

Jeremiah Sampson’s son was put up for adoption before he had a chance to claim paternity.

Read the rest of the story here


14 Comments on Do The Right Thing

  1. According to the Mail Online article Sampson is quoted as saying, “If I’m the father I want it.” “IT”? How many of you with a son would refer to your son as “IT”? All kidding aside of course.

  2. The mentality of the Press: “Jeremiah Sampson was playing football for Pittsburg State University in Kansas in 2009 when he began dating a girl, who then fell pregnant”

    What’s wrong with that logic?

    People fall “ill.” Pregnancy is not an illness. You don’t “fall” pregnant. Pregnancy for thousands of years was thought of as a normal occurrence in the life of a wife, not as a medical condition. Medical conditions suggest possible cure. What is the cure for pregnancy?

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  3. Two rights don’t make a wrong.

    1.) She had the baby in the first place.

    2.) He wants to be a responsible parent – working to try to improve himself.

    I wish Mr. Sampson and his son only the best in the struggles ahead awaiting a single parent family.

  4. I agree with Cynic. You’ve got to keep it in your pants or keep your legs crossed until marriage.

    Does anyone remember Baby Richard? It’s cases like that one and this present one that have made abortion a more “attractive” option than adoption. And also why so many adoptive parents are finding their children overseas.

    I can’t imagine having my three-year-old child taken from me. Utter devastation.

    Dr. Tar, not sure what was meant by “Do the right thing,” but, to me, it would have meant leaving the boy with his adoptive parents rather than bringing him into a broken home.

  5. @Cynic – Trust me, in today’s world marriage doesn’t mean anything. I was married for 8 years when my wife abandonded the family leaving me to raise our two children by myself for the next 18 years.
    Good luck to you and your son, Jeremiah. You made the right decision, and I swear to you that every tear you shed in the effort will produce a thousand smiles. That much, I know for sure.

  6. With all we hear about fathers in the Black community abandoning their kids, kudos to this guy for stepping up and willingly taking responsibility.

    He’s a good guy and his son is lucky to have him as a father.

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