Do trees go to sleep at night? – IOTW Report

Do trees go to sleep at night?


Daily Mail: Most animals are known to grab at least 40 winks at some point in the day, but it seems trees also drop off to ‘sleep’ during the hours of darkness.

Researchers have found that trees relax and let their branches droop when the sun goes down.

A collaboration of researchers from Austria, Finland and Hungary used laser scanners on fully grown trees to measure their ‘sleep movement’.

To rule out effects of weather and location, the experiment was done twice with two different trees, on in Finland and the other in Austria.

Both tests were done in calm conditions with no wind or condensation.

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11 Comments on Do trees go to sleep at night?

  1. So when does it become illegal for little kids to climb up trees? Since more boys than girls tend to do it, I predict it’s not far behind, given the assault not just on childhood, but also “breathing while male” these days.

  2. Songs to Give Nightmares to Trees

    Hush like pine tree
    Close your eyes
    Momma’s got an axe
    So say your goodbyes
    And if your trunk is
    Nice and thick
    I’ll chop you up
    Into a million toothpicks

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