Do We Know Earth’s Global Temperature? – IOTW Report

Do We Know Earth’s Global Temperature?

American Thinker

By Jonathon Moseley

The next target of mainstream media propaganda is to convince the public that human industry is causing climate change. CNN insiders boasted about that to James O’Keefe’s Project Veritas on hidden camera (after bragging about defeating Donald Trump’s re-election).

Marjorie Taylor Greene is preparing to debate Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on the floor of the U.S. House of Representatives. Some of us will worry whether the debate about the Green New Deal will focus on the most important points. There are a thousand issues and sub-issues. It is easy to get lost or sidetracked.

I suggest laying the axe to the root: Humans have never actually measured the temperature of planet Earth. Let’s just start with that.

Is the Earth getting warmer, cooler, or staying the same? Without knowing the planet’s overall temperature, we cannot say.

Weather stations were never intended to measure global temperatures. They were designed and installed to assist ships and airplanes with navigation – not to measure the Earth on a planetary scale. The limits of scientific measurements must be kept in mind. There are approximately 10,000 localized weather stations at fixed locations on land, and around 2,000 marine buoys and mobile stations.

Scientist Richard Courtney points out (including to the UK Parliament Select Committee) that there is no agreed definition of a global temperature. Furthermore, we would have to calibrate the measurement method against a standard which really isn’t possible. The modern world has forgotten that measurement instruments must be calibrated. You can’t just grab an instrument and measure something. It must be validated for quality and calibrated to a standard. read more

h/t NAAC

26 Comments on Do We Know Earth’s Global Temperature?

  1. Some view it as a “religion”
    Some know there is a lot of money to be made with it.
    Some know it is a way to make America weaker.
    All of them need to be defeated!

  2. The global temperature will be deemed – carrying the force of law – to be “too high” and the direct result of too many people…er…too much economic activity.

    Government Speech may not be contradicted, blocked, muted, revised or qualified.

  3. C’mon, man! Let’s put more thermomometers in our cities and get a handle on our urban heat islands! That’ll give us more gooder data and tell us the truth about how hot the Earth is getting! It’s hot out there! The Science is settled on this!

  4. It’s no longer about temperature or change. Global warming and climate change is no longer the message.

    It’s climate crisis and climate emergency.

    That way no one can point to specifics or argue any metric using science or reason using pesky things like temperature that was supposed to be boiling us already or sea level that was supposed to wipe out the coasts already or ice caps that were supposed to be melted. You must accept the emergency (or crisis) because that’s what has been declared.

  5. 130 parts per million rise in c02 in the last 30 years. Big Whoop. And I believe that number about as much as the “agreed upon” globull temp measurements. Its all a giant Con wrapped in Human Vanity.


  6. Years ago, a friend of mine who was a Sierra club member was ranting about how much more Americans pollute than other nations. I asked him why Sierra Club didn’t oppose immigration (legal and illegal), since immigration created more and more evil, polluting Americans. No answer.

  7. The same type of people who believed the earth was flat and you’d fall off believe this crap. The same type who called Galileo and Copernicus crazy. It never ends because people still think like we’re in the middle ages.

  8. @mja – not sure bout Mother Earth…but my temp is at boiling point these daze…especially with that Rudy BULLSHIT…

    Our own little micro world is ‘cool’ tho and best to you and YOURS… :>)

    Ghost and Mary Hatch

  9. I saw on Hannity a few years ago that some of the thermometers used for tracking, formerly on open spaces, were now at paved areas and even had air conditioner exhaust heat blowing on them..

  10. @Kevin R. (12:55 PM) has it exactly right: THERE IS NO SUCH thing as a “global temperature”.

    Believing there is one shows a ignorance of what heat is, zero understanding of how heat manifests itself by way of temperature, and not merely total ignorance but absolute denial of any and all concepts of thermodynamics.

    Those excited by “global warming” or “climate change” or “climate emergency/crisis” are simply committed cultists and adherents of a fraudulent religion with elements of totalitarianism just as adamant ant tyrannical as Islam.

  11. What they really need to be addressing is too much food extracted from the ocean, and too much pollution & junk thrown in.
    Already we have all the makings of a few Japanese monsters.

  12. It’s the sun. It’s always been the sun. It will always be the sun. Our climate is driven by the sun. Man’s actions are inconsequential. Except maybe a few thousand aircraft making pretty grids in the sky.

  13. All those temperature readings will undergo ‘adjustment’ – make the past look cooler and the present look warmer. Then they lose the raw data.

  14. The covid-19 government responses shows you just how screwed up the governments are. Why would they do any better with so called global warming, if there is, in fact actually, such a thing. I’m not entrusting to government to get anything right, except their own money.

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