Do Western Feminists Hate Muslim Women? – IOTW Report

Do Western Feminists Hate Muslim Women?

The Lid:

Feminists in the west must hate Muslim women.

The left in America spends so much of its time and energy battling “Islamophobia,” Israel, and conservatives as forces of evil. Oftentimes, they fight so hard against these things that they end up partnering with the Islamofascists who are aligned with Iran, Hamas, Hezbollah, the PLO, the Muslim Brotherhood, and other such organizations. In the West, left-wing feminism is the “Useful Idiot” that Islamist theocrats appreciate the most, because they ignore the plight of Muslim women.

The partnership has become so toxic that in a debate with conservatives you might even hear feminists defending the cultural practices and intolerance of the Muslim world because the greater evil is the “patriarchal” white hegemony in the West. It’s sad, laughable, and suicidal… but the left continues to team with the forces of radical Islam in the fight to destroy the West.

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9 Comments on Do Western Feminists Hate Muslim Women?

  1. It’s sad that we have to protect their worthless asses to protect our own. Maybe a female circumcision or two without benefit of anesthesia for one or two of their “spokespersons” will make them a little bit more “aware” of the perils of siding with the enemy.
    Better yet, why doesn’t Mika “take one” for the team, and let her pompadoured lothario of a fiancee rave about how it’s improved their canoodling on air?

  2. Does a Fly on The Wall Hear… The Muslim Women Trying To Convert The Fem’s to Muslim , and The Fem’s To Convert the Muslim’s to Lesbianism ?
    The Muztard Women Have the Extra Hair thing Covered Already…1/2 Way There !

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