Do you believe her? – IOTW Report

Do you believe her?

28 Comments on Do you believe her?

  1. I run into empowered female Roes run amok from time to time and I get away from them as soon as possible. They think they can make all men mount them like their baby Daddies then play the victim when they don’t get it in all the way. They are toxic spills, waste dumps, garbage on the landscape.

  2. First tell…looking to the right…

    and so on. What a lying evil person this is.

    Aggressive? Hyper-obnoxious.

    Definitely part of the problem. Making your vote not count for 30 years!

  3. Would it be OK if a group tried to bust down her front door? After all, Tucker Carlson is just a talking head and the attack on him was hunky dory.

    This woman is a Democrat Operative posing as an election official working to manufacture an outcome that overturns the will of the people.

  4. She should be spending the rest of her life retired to a federally operated crowbar hotel. It’s her assistance in crime that put the sin into sinister. The state of Florida needs to take control of these counties and flush out the filth.

  5. Angry, Criminal, soul less, no conscience, Black Women like her are the problem. No more passes, no more race card bullshit.
    She belongs in jail. Voter fraud, election fraud, should be federal felonies. Maybe even death penalty offenses. Yes, my vote means that much to me. And NO, I don’t believe a word she says.

  6. My son joked when I emailed him “Remember to send in your vote!”… “Already did, assuming Brenda Snipes doesn’t throw our ballots away.”

    Why isn’t she in jail, given that her people were caught in 2016 in the copy room in back, filling in ballots… and more…

    Why didn’t Florida’s governor and atty general, law enforcement do something before this. Now they’re conflicted.

    And what’s with elections supervisors being “elected”…

  7. There’s something really corrupt and smelly…

    Jeb Bush removed Miriam Oliphant — who came out of the court system working for (doing something in) the public defender’s office and was appointed by Dem governor Lawt Chiles — for egregious corruption and incompetence… and then, without a teaching certificate, she was hired as a guidance counselor by the Broward County School Board! WTH?

    And then Jeb Bush, after removing Oliphant, appointed Snipes, a retiree from… the Broward County school system (!) (who is now getting pension plus her salary.) (No Child Left Behind…) Back room deal-making.

    How does this happen. Florida has its own “Deep State” of corruption. Worst in the county that brought you Parkland and Hogg…

    They’re all corrupt. They all do deals. They all have stuff on each other. Court system, law enforcement system, education system, other bureaucracies. Voters are completely clueless. We need a mini-Trump to help clean up Florida.

    Meanwhile… ALL (but one) of the mostly crackpot constitutional amendments somehow passed… by big margins. How does that happen…


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