Do You Drink Tap Water? – IOTW Report

Do You Drink Tap Water?

Or do you prefer bottled water? Animated Map Shows Where Your Bottled Water Actually Comes From.

h/t ToreSays

40 Comments on Do You Drink Tap Water?

  1. I’ve been drinking Poland Spring and Deer Park only if I can’t get Poland Spring. When I go South I like to get Zephyrhills which they didn’t mention. Got sick off Deer Park once so I’m reluctant to get it. Commercial Tap water is swill. Best water comes from my artesian well. Tested it and nothing but a little extra calcium.

  2. I drink municipal tap water from Lake Michigan that’s fortified with fluoride and other contaminants at 250 ppm, then purify it via reverse osmosis to 0 ppm, then mineralize it to 40 to 50 ppm. Ice included. Fill up a stainless steel cup several times a day, especially in the summer. Also stay regular with 16oz of homebrew kombucha and 16oz of coffee per day.

  3. We mostly drink tap water. Our water is treated with Ozone and about 25 yrs ago we got all new water lines.
    When I buy bottled it’s usually Poland Spring, which I’ve been to. Lovely resort with the original spot and factory just behind it.

  4. The tap water in Eastern Washington and Spokane area comes from the underground Rathdrum prairie aquifer and is actually pretty good. I’ve been drinking it all my 70 years and have never had a problem with it. And I keep ice cold tap water in my fridge all the time to drink. I don’t drink coffee very often and I drink little if any soda pop anymore. I’m not a very big beer or wine fan either.

  5. The best water I ever had was at a off grid hunting cabin in Michigan’s UP from a shallow sandpoint well with a handpump next to the kitchens sink. Was always ice cold and no mineral taste.

  6. I generally drink tap from my city wells.
    I’ve lived this long (70+y.o.), fairly healthy, no cancers, tumors, extra growths, etc.

  7. I drink tap water flavored with a squirt of Mio orange tangerine flavor.
    I quit Gatorade when they dropped from 32 oz to 28 oz bottles.
    The bastards also raised the price.

    BTW, Industrial Ozone generators are pretty cool.
    They basically create lightning to generate O3.
    Relatively simple process with a giant fucking transformer involved.

  8. Tap water run through a filtration system. Bottle water exposes you micro plastics which kills testosterone. Tap water has all kinds of poison. Including Fluoride which they are now starting to find kills guess what? Testosterone. Ever wonder why there’s so many F’ed up men. Yes I’m wearing my tin foil hat today.

  9. Well water, but I don’t drink a lot of water. I drink a lot of brewed, unsweetened iced tea during the day and have since my teens…I have to believe the antioxidants have kept me quite healthy over the past 40 years.

  10. Anonymous
    AT 11:08 AM:
    β€œMost bottled waters contain calcium chloride (pool chlorine) preservative and sodium bicarbonate (baking soda) as chlorine buffer.
    I just drink tap water”

    Which is ironic, since that is how municipal tap water is treated . Or sodium hypochlorite

  11. I have a very nice, high tech filter in my fridge so technically…YES. Even as an adult, I still enjoy delish tasting water coming out of the garden hose. πŸ™‚

  12. @Richard Cranium, I’ve been thinking of getting a Berkey; some friends have one and the water tastes so good, as in no taste; very fresh in comparison to our tap water. I have a Brita but I don’t think it filters out enough junk.

  13. Well water with a filter. I swear well water without fluoride is why I have no cavities. House well, milk house//barn well an a natural spring that runs even in the dead of winter..

  14. I gotta have canned sparkling flavored water – preferably Le Croix. Bottled it has to be Crystal Geyser. Too many dead bodies end up in Folsom Lake too gross to drink. They say you’re supposed to have 100 ounces of water a day. I’ve only done that once and that was for colonoscopy prep. I almost wretched forcing those last two glasses down. But I can knock back a six pack of beer like The Fox on The Man Show.

  15. I drink piss.
    LOTs of piss.

    Only man-piss, though … girl-piss’ll make you hairy …

    and gargle jizz to “cleanse the palate” between meat faucets

  16. ” Too many dead bodies end up in Folsom Lake”

    Due to the high water level the lake is filthy with Rattle Snakes this year. Swimming and floating on debris.

  17. Chalupa – I drink a sparkling water every night before bed. Saw a video on YT from a doctor talking about the benefits of co2 in the body. It’s the only form of water I buy, but since I started drinking it I seem to sleep better now.

  18. Brad – I’ll take my chances with the rivers. At least the rattlers can’t strike far when they’re on the water, and they stay on the surface – I hope.

    CJ – sounds good to me. Getting to be 50 cents for a can even in bulk. My grandpa wouldn’t shut up about a dollar for a loaf of bread. He’d really squawk about 50 cent water.


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