Do you know which of these animals is a Porcupine? – IOTW Report

Do you know which of these animals is a Porcupine?

possum and porcupine

This guy didn’t.

12 Comments on Do you know which of these animals is a Porcupine?

  1. That’s why you shoot varmints (or poke ’em with a long stick) rather than slap them with your bare hand. I’m guessing he said something like “what a buncha pricks!” Or maybe “*$%&#$^& ……#%^&$%*&!

  2. Who the heck slaps a wild critter? Even if I didn’t know it was a porcupine, I would at least have the decency to think it mint bite me, so better to keep my hand out of range of its mouth.

    Sorry, dude, but…what a dweeb.

  3. It could’ve been worse, it could’ve been a badger or a wolverine. And most any idiot knows to stay away from porcupines, except for dumb ass dogs who just have to bite them and end up with a nose and throat full of quills. We had a Belgian shepherd named Chico who was our shop dog and guard dog, he learned the hard way trying to snap at a porcupine. Believe me, it was no fun helping my dad pull quills with a pair of needle nosed pliers from poor Chico’s nose and face and he never messed with a porcupine ever again. He also made a cop jump about 4 ft. into the air once during a bank robbery next door to the gas station and Chico ran outside to see what was going on and scared the daylights out of a Cop who was looking for the robber, all while my dad is yelling at Chico. Because it happened so fast it actually was quite funny and neither Chico or the Cop were hurt. If Chico had gotten ahold of that robber he would’ve been in bad shape, he was a very good guard dog.

  4. Ouuuuch. .. My butt puckered looking at the pics of the dud’s hand with the quills.

    “Lesson learned: always make sure you know the species of an animal before you slap it. ”
    Or use a broom. Idjit.

  5. reminds of a old joke:
    Q: what’s the difference between two Democrat politicians sitting in a limousine and a porcupine?

    A: with the porcupine, the pricks are on the outside.

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