Do you live in a ‘Smart City’? – IOTW Report

Do you live in a ‘Smart City’?

I resigned in protest from Sidewalk Labs’ ‘smart city’ project over privacy concerns


Ann Cavoukian was hired by Sidewalk Labs to help embed privacy into the design of Sidewalk Labs’ proposed ‘smart city’ in Toronto. The former privacy commissioner of Ontario warns that we need to act to prevent projects like these from becoming ‘smart cities of surveillance.’

This Happened to Me: Reclaiming the Internet is a video series from CBC Radio featuring stories of technology experts and their dire warnings about digital privacy. They are part of the 2020 Massey Lectures. You can read more at

h/t ToreSays

8 Comments on Do you live in a ‘Smart City’?

  1. Yesterday a black pig just wandered through the yard. A pig outta nowhere.

    I don’t live in a smart city.

    Nor do I wish to.

    I don’t see pinch faced liberal nags here either.

    I prefer occasional wandering pigs.

    That other species make my sphincter pucker and I can’t crap. I simply don’t need nurse ratchett in my chili.

  2. I live in a very small town with no stoplights, sandwiched between corn and soybean fields. We keep to ourselves but help out when needed. I am very thankful Jim and I moved to his hometown 19 years ago from the Vancouver, WA area. Sometimes I talk to him and say, baby, you would not believe what is going on down here.

  3. We have a committee, have for 30 yrs, for planning out how the (very small) city will look in the future. They even have an implementation committee.
    They basically accomplish nothing.
    Most plans include taking private land and building Chinese style housing with tenants’ work in the same building or in walking distance.
    If you’ve ever been to an old New England town you’ll know it’s pretty much a pipe dream.
    People don’t want it either.


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