Do you smell pee? – IOTW Report

Do you smell pee?


NEW CASTLE, Pa. (AP) — Pennsylvania environmental officials can’t explain why residents of one city thought part of their town smelled like cat urine last year.


10 Comments on Do you smell pee?

  1. They’ve never heard of feral cat colonies? There’s one (more like was, after I mentioned it to a few business owners) about three miles away.

    Combine feral, nocturnal predators and several restaurant/fast food places..wait. I was talking about cats, right?

  2. RosalindJ beat me to it. Everybody keeps feeding these feral cat colonies and then they wonder why there are so many cat fights and everything smell like cat urine.

  3. That’s why I don’t feed liberals. lol!

    Are they only feeding them? Because if you can get close enough to catch them, they need to be sterilized. For the money their giving them in food, they could have been snip snipped.

    The Liberals and the ferals, I mean.

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