Doctor Admits Letting Patient Bleed To Death In Botched Abortion – IOTW Report

Doctor Admits Letting Patient Bleed To Death In Botched Abortion

Even before Morales’ abortion, the doctor had been investigated by state officials over concerns that he was performing procedures improperly and using assistants who lacked medical training, witnesses said at the trial. –Charlotte Observer.

DC: An abortion doctor pleaded guilty to letting a woman who was six months pregnant bleed to death in a botched abortion procedure.

New York doctor Robert Rho allowed Jamie Lee Morales to bleed to death after a failed abortion procedure in the summer of 2016. One week after learning she was pregnant, 30-year-old Morales came to Rho’s clinic and paid him $6,000 to abort her unborn child.

Rho performed the procedure, but severe bleeding began during the operation. Despite signs of grave danger, the doctor allowed Morales to leave the clinic with her sister. He gave Morales no further instructions or advice to seek immediate medical attention.  more here

14 Comments on Doctor Admits Letting Patient Bleed To Death In Botched Abortion

  1. Somehow I just can’t get to the point of caring that a women who murdered her baby died as a result of the murder.

    Blah, blah, blah her body, her choice. You don’t get to pick and choose when the “Dr.” crosses “the line” of taking a life. She paid him to murder her baby and he did. In this case she got more than she bargained for. It happens.

    The crazy thing is if anyone actually does something to decrease the chances of this happening like inspecting abortion mills for cleanliness and holding said “Dr’s” to a professional level they will be labeled as “Women haters”.

  2. So much for the leftist meme of the “compassionate women’s health provider” (abortionist), or the scary stories of deadly back-alley abortions. The “doctor” involved will get a wrist slap at the most.

  3. Sorry, but she did not deserve to die because of her stupid choice.
    She deserved decent post op care whether it was this or any procedure. Doesn’t matter. Apparently he knew she was bleeding badly and hoped the problem would just get better. He failed in his job, just as bad as that bastard school cop who stood around while that idiot shot up the school.
    Emperor Lazlo would have him put in the brazen bull and see how he likes it.

  4. Poor Lazlo, I concur.

    Sad thing, so many “mishaps” take place with abortion that no one, but the mother learns about.

    Some “perks” of abortion:
    Death of mother,inability to sleep without meds, inability to have other children, low birth rate of subsequent children, miscarriages, tubal pregnancies,m mortality of future children, abuse of living children,
    divorces and break-ups of the parents, drug abuse, PTSD, mental breakdowns, anger issues, outlandish spending beyond means, bankruptcy and Inability to hold a job to name a few.

  5. @Poor Lazlo May 7, 2018 at 6:37 pm

    > Sorry, but she did not deserve to die because of her stupid choice.
    > She deserved decent post op care whether it was this or any procedure.

    So, when the pedo rapist is caught in the act, and jumps out the window to escape, he deserves necessary medical care, and a hearty “fare thee well”?

  6. @Anonymous
    >So, when the pedo rapist is caught in the act, and jumps out the window to escape, he deserves necessary medical care, and a hearty “fare thee well”?

    I see what you’re trying to say, and yes, he should get medical care.
    After that, he should be prosecuted for rape and be dealt with the fullest extent of the law.
    Please don’t try to make up frivolous scenarios to justify murder.

  7. Well, I am definitely anti-abortion and I am sorry this woman died of complications………… BUT! six months pregnant and was only aware for a week!!!! Come the fook on!
    “Speaking the truth in times of universal deceit is a revolutionary act.” Geo. Orwell

  8. @F4UCorsair May 7, 2018 at 8:58 pm

    > I see what you’re trying to say, and yes, he should get medical care.

    > Please don’t try to make up frivolous scenarios to justify murder.

    It seems you don’t see anything of what I’m saying, at all.
    (Not that there’s anything wrong with that.)

  9. Should’ve gone with birth control, and failing that, adoption. The latter being a win-win.

    SIX MONTHS?!? That was a viable infant; there’s no question of murder regardless of when she ‘found out.’

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