DOCTOR EVIL: Jill Biden Forcing Sleepy Joe To Run Again Because She ‘Likes Power,’ Craves ‘Revenge’ – IOTW Report

DOCTOR EVIL: Jill Biden Forcing Sleepy Joe To Run Again Because She ‘Likes Power,’ Craves ‘Revenge’


Most Americans, including most Democrats, don’t want President Joe Biden to run for reelection. The 81-year-old is obviously unfit to serve another four years in the White House. He should be relaxing on a beach in Delaware, not constantly cheating death on the Air Force One staircase. So why won’t he just retire?

27 Comments on DOCTOR EVIL: Jill Biden Forcing Sleepy Joe To Run Again Because She ‘Likes Power,’ Craves ‘Revenge’

  1. When you’re such a loser with horrendous taste, with the only thing going for you is to make everyone call you doctor and marry a potato, you’ll take all the attention you can milk out of a 81 million vote 81 year old presidential selection no matter how fake and gay it is. Believing Country First requires giving honor and respect which no Biden ever has been accused of.

  2. After her trial for TREASON, she MUST be charged with ELDER ABUSE. Its been obvious since day one of the campaign. One can only hope that she suffers even more as she ages…or even better, that the treatment she receives in federal prison at the end of her life is so, so much worse.

  3. Oh but tRump is so much younger, NOT. Oh but tRump is so much smarter, Depends if he only had a brain. Oh but tRump can walk up stairs, nope hates stairways & ramps. Oh but tRump is so much richer, thats momentary their working on that one. Oh but tRump is so much more honest, thats a good one, a person needs their wading boots to listen to his speil or as kemosabe says “The one who speaks with forked tongue.”

  4. Jill’s Villan Song.

    “There’s a place just south of Witches’ Valley
    Where they say the wind won’t blow
    And they only speak in whispers of her name
    There’s a lady they say who feeds the darkness
    It eats right from her hand
    With a crying shout she’ll search you out
    And freeze you where you stand

    Lady evil, evil
    She’s a magical, mystical woman
    Lady evil, evil in my mind
    She’s queen of the night
    All right”

  5. She’s not smart enough to be leading the charge…She’s simply doing as She is

    told. I hope She’s scared shitless of Whomever is leading this debacle.

  6. Not to excuse doktor Jill or Jackass Joe, but they both live in one big petrie dish of Communist, Leftist hate and propaganda and neither one of ’em have the IQ to think for themselves!

  7. Please refer to her as I do – Jill, Ed.D. Too many people mistakenly think Jill earned a Ph.D.

    I think Jill, Ed.D has been blackmailed to play FLOTUS by the Deep State. They have the dirt on the Biden crime family. Play along so we can destroy America or you and your disgusting family will be exposed and imprisoned.


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