Doctor Feel Bad – IOTW Report

Doctor Feel Bad

Patriot Retort: You’ve heard of Doctor Feel Good.  Well, allow me to introduce you to Doctor Feel Bad.

Chronic pain causing you to suffer?

Ring up Doctor Feel Bad.  And if she’s so inclined, she’ll see to it you will get a seven day break from your pain.  Then, well, you’re screwed!

Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand

Yeah.  She’s such a giver.

I hope Doctor Feel Bad enjoys the pain that comes with that well-deserved ratio.

The question I have is what dentist prescribes a month of pain medication for extracting wisdom teeth?

I mean, what’s he using to remove them? Dynamite?

But it sure is ironic, isn’t it?  Doctor Feel Bad wants to put government in between a doctor and his patient after years of shrieking about how women’s healthcare choices should be left between a doctor and his patient.

Such a craven, hypocritical cow.

The truth is, if Doctor Feel Bad wants to do something about the opioid epidemic, she should support President Trump’s efforts to secure our Southern border.  You’d be amazed what that would accomplish, Doctor Dummy.

Nine years ago, columnist Jim Treacher was struck by a State Department SUV in Washington shortly after being hired by the Daily Caller.  MORE

12 Comments on Doctor Feel Bad

  1. They’re chasing horses that are so far and long gone, that they don’t even remember the barn. The proverbial ‘barn door’ is now obsolete. Someone probably sold the door itself, to buy more drugs.
    While opioid prescriptions contributed to the present drug problem, it did not create it, as they would have everyone believe. It is a handy scapegoat though. If it is such a problem to them, do something about it, and stop giving out free syringes and making ‘safe spaces’ for shooting up. Just say no and put you foot DOWN.

    “oh, look mommy- that nice man over there on the sidewalk is cooking up his smack. Can we watch?”

  2. She is completely stuffed full of sheet. When you’ve had a bad injury you’ll quickly find that even the strongest pain “killers” only moderate the unbearable pain. The length of time you’ll need the medication depends completely on the nature of the injury. I broke my back in a fall 11 yrs ago and still require pain management. I have numbness in one leg, balance problems, constant ear ringing and several other side effects of the injury. When you injure the main circuit cable in your back lots of things happen to you and the last thing you want is some asshole making a difficult situation worse by leveling more problems on what’s already a climb to keep positive.

  3. Gillibrand and her fellow grandstanding politicians have been reducing the pain medicine of chronic pain patients for years bc of the “opioid epidemic”. Meantime heroin and fentanyl ods continue to increase. Duh. The problem is illegal drugs, not legal rx pain medicine that provides safe proven pain relief for millions of pain patients. More government overregulation and overreach

  4. This is how you make felons out of chronic pain sufferers. If you have bone spurs or degenerative disc disease (my 85 YO mom) that was being handled by prescription medication, now you are seeing your dosage reduced so a pain management clinic can show a reduction in their proscribing numbers.

    While mom isn’t likely to start cruising the streets looking for heroin, a lot of other people will be. So you move them from a known dose of a clean, predictable lab produced pharmaceutical to what ever shows up on the streets of their home town.

    The market will get served.

  5. I’m holding on to the opiods. DH got them when he had his knee surgery 7 years ago. Only 2 missing out of the bottle, but I figure we MIGHT need them some day. Do they lose their potency? Only thing I don’t hoard is antibiotics.


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