Doctor: Hillary Clinton’s Cough Wouldn’t Be so Severe if Caused by Allergies – IOTW Report

Doctor: Hillary Clinton’s Cough Wouldn’t Be so Severe if Caused by Allergies

Breitbart: Dr. Jane Orient, an author and Executive Director of the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons, spoke to Breitbart News on Tuesday about Hillary Clinton’s health regarding her recent coughing fit during a campaign event Monday in Cleveland, Ohio.

“They say that it was four minutes and 22 seconds, which is a long time,” Orient explained during a phone interview on Tuesday evening.

NBC News reported that Clinton had coughing fits during the primary campaign, but that her coughing attack on Monday “was one of the most aggressive she’s had during her 2016 run and left her almost unable to finish her remarks.”  MORE

18 Comments on Doctor: Hillary Clinton’s Cough Wouldn’t Be so Severe if Caused by Allergies

  1. Just a little tickle, nothing to see here, move along.

    I get the First Draft every morning from The NYT and whadda yaknow, no mention at all of her latest and worst coughing fit.

    Surprised? It’s why the morons that rely on the left dominated media for their info can’t understand why anyone in their right mind favors Trump.

    Speaking of, catch his speech last night in Greenville-oh man he stepped it up a couple notches-he was on fi-YAR.

  2. I dislike all things Clinton. However, I suffered allergies caused, debilitating, almost paralyzingly coughing, whenever I tried to speak more than a few words. That was while living in the mountains. Lost my voice from trying to clear the ropes of mucus traveling down my throat, even as I slept, my doctors said. I moved from there about three years ago and even though I don’t suffer that severe coughing, I still have allergy caused, constant mucus ropes in my throat and at times my voice suffers.

    However, my allergies NEVER caused me to lie, cheat, grift, ignore security rules, defend an adulterous leach, sell favors to the highest bidders, including parts of American soil or minerals, expect an office because ‘it’s my turn’, be responsible for Bengjazi’s fall and deaths, because I wanted to enrich myself, destroy evidence of my wrong doings, and on and on.

    In short, allergies are no excuse, bitch, get off the idea that you are fooling people. The people are showing that they are just damn sick and tired of the lies, so much so that should you suffer a heart attack, we’d all stand still, thinking it was another of your stagings. Ho, hum, yawn, change the channel.

  3. I actually feel a little for Hellery. Last week I seem to have been bitten by the seasonal change. With temperatures at night sliding into the lower 60’s, I got up one morning all plugged up, sneezing and a little cough from post nasal drip.

    The first day I said to my wife, what’s in the cabinet for a nose thing? She pointed me to some Sudafed, it didn’t work. Thinking it might be seasonal allergies, I got ahold of some Wal-Zur (D) that I had to sign for at the pharmacy. I took some and it worked way better than the Sudafed, so the antihistamine was the necessary ingredient. Typical for allergies I guess, they seem to bother me more as I age, when I was younger it was never a problem.

    However I’m still coughing a little, but unlike Hellery, my cough isn’t persistent. So in my experience, whatever Hellery has got, it has nothing to do with seasonal allergies.

  4. Here is the truth about allergies:

    You are never the only one to suffer out of tens of thousands exposed to some airborne irritant. You have a one in 1 million allergy?


    It’s one of the weakest lies ever and no one seems to notice that no one else – at all – is suffering from the alleged irritant.

    If it were something in her personal space like mold developing, you might have something. But she is not staying in one place by herself.

  5. I have persistent PND but only cough/clear my throat a few times a day, after which I grab my salt pipe, inhale a few times and then I’m good.

    I’m not a doctor (but I saw one on TV) but Crooked Cankle’s “attacks” which may be MUCH worse in private, could indicate a much more severe condition, like congestive heart failure, but that may be wishful thinking on my part.

  6. Why didn’t she have these ‘allergies’ for the last 30 years? What- she hit her head and voila, suddenly she has allergies that cause her to need a medical staff, that have become progressively worse preventing her from finishing her first sentence?! Give me a break. The media wouldn’t be in such a dire panic if all she had was a case of an occasional pollen reaction. A reaction that is visibly becoming worse regardless of what season it is.

  7. The point is that she cannot function in any capacity whatsoever. Why is she hanging on, running for office? It is beyond credulence. I am truly beginning to think this is premeditated, that she will deflect attention from Trump, then step aside at the last minute while her posse at the DNC slamdunk Phauxcohantas Warren in her place, further enraging the Bernie crowd. They will have shielded Elizabeth Warren from criticism, hence sweeping her into office over last minute resistance. So, Vote for Trump if you feel shafted by the Democrats! They shaft everyone, especially their own.

  8. I hope Trump sets a blistering pace from now until the first debate and challenges her to keep up. She’ll either physically exhaust herself or stop making appearances to save what little health she has left. Either way she’ll be at a disadvantage.

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