Doctors and COVID-19 Vaccine Injured Testify in Washington D.C. – IOTW Report

Doctors and COVID-19 Vaccine Injured Testify in Washington D.C.

Conservative Choice Campaign:

by Brian Shilhavy
Editor, Health Impact News

U.S. Senator Ron Johnson has consistently been the only member of the federal government who has dared to expose the crimes being committed by Big Pharma through the government COVID response.

In 2020 Senator Johnson held meetings in Washington D.C. exposing the criminal activities of Big Pharma and federal health agencies in suppressing early treatment options for COVID-19 that thousands of doctors were using with a near 100% success rate.

Here in 2021 Senator Johnson has held meetings with testimony showing how dangerous the COVID-19 vaccines have been, giving a voice to those who have suffered injuries or lost loved ones who died after the shots.

Senator Johnson held another meeting in Washington D.C. today, one that has been planned for many weeks, regarding COVID-19 mandatory vaccines.

Some of the top scientists and doctors in the world attended, as well as several people suffering COVID-19 vaccine injuries.

He also invited:

  • CDC Director Dr. Rochelle Walensky
  • Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin
  • Secretary of Labor Marty Walsh
  • Secretary of Transportation Pete Buttigieg
  • FDA Acting Commissioner Janet Woodcock
  • HHS Secretary Xavier Becerra
  • NIAID Director Dr. Anthony Fauci,
  • NIH Director Dr. Francis Collins
  • Johnson & Johnson CEO Alex Gorsky
  • Moderna CEO Stéphane Bancel
  • Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla
  • BioNTech CEO U?ur ?ahin

But none of these invitees showed up. They are, of course, Big Pharma controlled mouthpieces who only appear in public with the pharma-owned corporate media where they know ahead of time what the questions will be, and the script for how to answer them.

The corporate media also did not show up to cover this truly historic event in Washington D.C. The Roundtable discussion was recorded and is over 3.5 hours long, and you can watch the entire event at Senator Ron Johnson’s Rumble channel.

We have separated out several of the testimonies from this event into shorter segments that can be viewed on our Rumble and Bitchute channels.

Senator Johnson started off the session by stating that those who dare to tell the truth about the COVID-19 shots in public pay a high price for doing so.

Senator Ron Johnson: There is no need for COVID-19 vaccine mandates. If the vaccine worked and stopped transmission, those vaccinated would have no fear of the unvaccinated. If the COVID-19 vaccine does not stop transmission, then mandating them is pointless.

Brianne Dressen was an Astra Zeneca clinical trial participant from Utah, and is co-founder of, a patient advocacy organization dedicated to increasing awareness of adverse events

Brianne Dressen:

“I feel like I am being electrocuted 24/7.”

She thought she was alone and an isolated case, but then found out there were “thousands of us” being denied medical care and recognition as vaccine injured.

They decided to take action when they saw that children were being targeted with these deadly shots. They contacted every single political entity possible to talk about injuries and deaths from these shots. MORE

9 Comments on Doctors and COVID-19 Vaccine Injured Testify in Washington D.C.

  1. Frigging money grubbing, lying, power hungry son of bi**es in media and so-called public service don’t care.
    I don’t wish for harm to anyone but nothing will happen until some of these people actually have someone in their circles harmed.
    Sending this article to my useless Sen.


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