Doctors Find Over 700 Tapeworms In Brain Of Man Who Ate Undercooked Pork – IOTW Report

Doctors Find Over 700 Tapeworms In Brain Of Man Who Ate Undercooked Pork

KFI: Doctors in China were shocked when an MRI revealed over 700 tapeworms living inside a man’s brain and chest.

The patient, identified as 43-year-old Zhu Zhongfa, began losing consciousness and suffering from seizures not long after eating a hot pot containing undercooked pork. more

18 Comments on Doctors Find Over 700 Tapeworms In Brain Of Man Who Ate Undercooked Pork

  1. …began losing consciousness and suffering from seizures not long after eating a hot pot containing undercooked pork.

    Zhongfa didn’t think much of it at first, but after several weeks he decided to go to a doctor.

    Patient? (In both senses of the word)

  2. “…began losing consciousness and suffering from seizures not long after eating a hot pot containing undercooked pork.
    Zhongfa didn’t think much of it at first….”

    I guess that’s how they roll over there.
    Reason #297,483,841 why most people would rather live in the US.

  3. Well, well, well … if that explains one ChiCom’s affliction, it may be suggestive of Pelosi and Schitt’s mental incapacities and flights of delusional imaginings – has NOTHING to do with pork – everything to do with ideology.
    (could be why Pelosi’s always trying to wave away imaginary butterflies and real pecker gnats)

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. Zhongfa, a lifelong Democrat, explained that he didn’t seek medical treatment because, like so many of his friends, he though he was suffering from TDS (Trump Derangement Syndrome).

  5. Who would eat pork in China?? I thought I ordered a noodle and vegetable dish in Hong
    Kong but, when I saw chicken feet (with toenails) swimming in the bowl I ran from the restaurant. I don’t eat meat, poultry or fish in other countries. I’d rather starve.

  6. Me: I would like a cheeseburger, well done. And when I saw well done, I mean, when you guys consider it well done, add 3 minutes, please. Thank you.

    I’ve gotten ‘well done’ burgers with pink showing. That’s a no-no for me. If I don’t control the meat, I don’t eat it unless it’s well done. (OK that sounds funny. lolz)

  7. Me: I would like a cheeseburger, well done. And when I say well done, I mean, when you guys consider it well done, add 3 minutes, please. Thank you.

    I’ve gotten ‘well done’ burgers with pink showing. That’s a no-no for me. If I don’t control the meat, I don’t eat it unless it’s well done. (OK that sounds funny. lolz)

  8. MJA, years ago I spent 2 weeks in the hospital due to E. Coli, the only place I could have gotten it was from a HB at a little HB joint a few days before I got sick. I noticed when I got to the middle, it was lightly pink. I quit eating at that point, but it was too late.
    Now, I don’t bite into a hamburger until I cut it in half. For several years I wouldn’t eat ground beef anywhere but at home.
    My daughter and I drive the men in our lives nuts because we eat steak well done. Mine comes from even with steak if I see pink or red I think of how sick I was and I know it’s beyond rare to get sick from steak, but it makes me lose my appetite. Hers is because she just can’t eat meat that is pink or red. It’s very hard to get a well done steak that isn’t like eating shoe leather even at a steak house, so I usually only eat steak at home where I can get it well done and be able to almost cut it with a fork.


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