Doctors Raise Awareness on Ivermectin Treatment for COVID-19 – IOTW Report

Doctors Raise Awareness on Ivermectin Treatment for COVID-19

Epoch Times:

In an effort to help end the pandemic, an international coalition of medical experts is holding worldwide events Saturday to raise awareness about the effectiveness of ivermectin as a treatment for COVID-19.

Organizers of the World Ivermectin Day say doctors and supporters of the inexpensive FDA-approved drug will host free online and public events in over a dozen countries.

Two nonprofits—Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care (FLCCC) Alliance and the British Ivermectin Recommendation Development (BIRD) group—who have been campaigning for the off-label use of ivermectin to prevent and treat COVID-19 say the event’s focus is to let more people know that the antiparasitic drug can treat COVID-19, possibly end the pandemic, and help eliminate fear of the CCP (Chinese Communist Party) virus.

“We have an incredibly positive and uplifting message to share: ivermectin treats and prevents COVID and it is the key to unlocking the never-ending cycle of pandemic peaks and personal restrictions and will help restart economies,” Dr. Tess Lawrie, cofounder of the BIRD group said in a press release.

Lawrie is also a co-author of a peer-reviewed meta-analysis study published in the American Journal of Therapeutics that found ivermectin to be effective against COVID-19, the disease caused by the CCP virus. Lawrie and her team concluded with a moderate level of confidence that ivermectin reduced the risk of death by an average of 62 percent, at a 95 percent confidence interval of 0.19-0.73, especially when prescribed early. MORE

10 Comments on Doctors Raise Awareness on Ivermectin Treatment for COVID-19

  1. Why wait? It’s cheap and effective as a preventative. No side effects. I’ve been taking it monthly for about a year and, for the first time that I can remember, have not had a cold or flu for that time.

    I’m sold on it.


  2. Meanwhile the FDA Announces That CDC’s PCR Test **FAILED** Review, Will Have Emergency Use Authorization revoked. So how exactly can anyone rely on anything they published for the last year and a half?! I hope someday soon to see the same headline about the jabs although I’m not holding my breath.

  3. I posted the following on earlier today:

    My 69 year old sister who is unvaccinated and lives in VERY rural Texas started feeling sick with flu-like symptoms about 2 weeks ago. After a few days she started experiencing difficulty breathing, but it wasn’t very severe and although she thought she had covid, she wasn’t overly concerned. She went from mild symptoms to thinking she would die in about 6 hours one night. She said her lungs felt like they were on fire and it hurt too much to breathe. She is 5 hours from a doctor or hospital and didn’t think she would survive the trip anyway. One of her neighbors heard of her distress and brought her some Ivermectin – not the human version but the horse version! My sister felt like she had nothing to lose and took a dose. She said that within 10 minutes her pain in breathing had subsided 75%, and that over the next two days she felt as good as new, a true miracle!

  4. One of her neighbors heard of her distress and brought her some Ivermectin – not the human version but the horse version!

    Got mine from Ebay. One tube ($10.94+tax, free shipping) is 6 doses for a 200 lb man. Hope I won’t need it and when this blows over, will give it to the dog if he comes home dragging his ass on the carpet.

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