‘Doctors Without Borders’ Permanently Cancels Migrant Ferry Operations – IOTW Report

‘Doctors Without Borders’ Permanently Cancels Migrant Ferry Operations

Breitbart: Doctors Without Borders (MSF) have announced after months of setbacks that they will be permanently cancelling their migrant ferry activities in the Mediterranean sea.

The NGO announced the cancellation of their so-called “rescue” operations on Thursday, saying that due to government pressure they could not continue to operate the Aquarius vessel off the coast of Libya.

“This is the result of a sustained campaign, spearheaded by the Italian government and backed by other European states, to delegitimise, slander and obstruct aid organisations providing assistance to vulnerable people,” the group claimed.

MSF’s general director Nelke Manders called the cancellation a “dark day” and said, “Not only has Europe failed to provide search and rescue capacity, it has also actively sabotaged others’ attempts to save lives. The end of Aquarius means more deaths at sea, and more needless deaths that will go unwitnessed.”

However, analysis by the EU Border and Coast Guard Agency (Frontex) suggests the presence of ships like the Aquarius “help[s] criminals achieve their objectives at minimum cost, [and] strengthen their business model by increasing [migrants’] chances of success” in reaching Europe — all of which ultimately encourages more people to attempt sea crossings, which means more drownings.

Critics of the NGO ferries also point to the fact they always bring migrants to European ports rather than much nearer African ports, and suggest “rescue” is not their main priority.  more here

8 Comments on ‘Doctors Without Borders’ Permanently Cancels Migrant Ferry Operations

  1. Well…………….did the “doctors” without brains reach their goal of bringing in 50 million africans and permanently ruining Europe? The Average IQ (considering merkel and macron) must surely be low enough without bringing in The Ivory Coast……. confiscate their boats!!!!

  2. ““This is the result of a sustained campaign, spearheaded by the Italian government and backed by other European states, to delegitimise, slander and obstruct aid organisations providing assistance to vulnerable people,”

    In other words some of the Euro governments woke up and now Soros is losing his grip on power.

  3. Personally I think they are lucky NOT to have their “Rescue Ships” blown out from under them. They should have been sunk on sight for illegal human trafficking and transporting an invading force to the shores of Europe.

  4. So, the international criminals are incised they are being stopped from pursuing criminality?
    Must be Progs, they have zero self-awareness.
    Showing compassion, not taking them elsewhere for others to deal with, use your money to set them up in their own country.


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