Documentary Exposes Dan Rather’s Fraud in ‘The Birth of Fake News’ – IOTW Report

Documentary Exposes Dan Rather’s Fraud in ‘The Birth of Fake News’

Newsbusters:  Sketchy, unreliable, and downright fake news predates the 2016 presidential election. And now, one of the most infamous examples is fully exposed in a Fox Nation streaming documentary. Black Eye: Dan Rather and the Birth of Fake News is a 93 minute investigation of the former CBS News host and his 2004 quest to take down George W. Bush with fake documents relating to the Republican’s National Guard service during the Vietnam War.

On Wednesday, September 8, 2004, during a heated presidential election campaign 60 Minutes II aired a report, hosted by Rather, accusing Bush of trying to get out of Guard service. Rather claimed, “Tonight, we have new documents and new information on the president’s military service.”

Except, as many now know, those documents weren’t vetted by Dan Rather, producer Mary Mapes, or the executives at CBS. The shifting and unreliable stories of where the documents came from — and whether they were forgeries —  would ultimately take down Rather.   more here

10 Comments on Documentary Exposes Dan Rather’s Fraud in ‘The Birth of Fake News’

  1. As I mentioned before, They also ran the Story “Tripwire Vets”

    about Crazed Vietnam Veterans living like Wildmen in a Forest outside of

    Seattle…It turned out to be of the “Wildmen” weren’t

    Veterans of anything but their Own imagination….Didn’t stop

    60 Minutes from Airing it again though…Despite the protests of

    Stolen Valor’s B.G. Burkett .

  2. Not one “journOlist” has ever really asked Rather any difficult questions about this attempt to steal a presidential election.
    – Note that Rather REFUSED to go on The O’Reilly Factor* despite numerous invitations.

    *Or any other Fox show.

  3. Correct, BUT

    Altho Rather was taken off the air
    He was NEVER fired !

    He was kept on at full salary for years
    Who knows
    CBS might still be paying him

    Why ?

    Hush Money

    Rather was only an obedient hit man
    He did precisely what CBS news management
    ordered him to.

  4. The birth of fake news? You think so? Walter Kronkite “the most trusted voice in America” said he would decide and tell you what you needed to know. That was circa 1965.

  5. Short version…Rather news piece during Bush gore election describes major Park being ruined, denuded, polluted by Bush as Governor…Park Ranger face/voice disguised to protect him from assassination for discussing ruined Park, it can maybe be saved by Gore..The Truth is Park is Big Ben, in west Texas, polluted by winds from California and Mexico…oil/gas/chemical refinement is in east Texas, wind cannot get from there to park without reversal of earth rotation..Rather proves Bush killed Park, pushed pollution, Gore savior.. all a lie…Rather is from Texas, knew that Big Bend is 570 miles west of Houston corridor…Fake News, lies..

  6. Rather at the birth of fake news? It’s been going on as long as there has been any sort of gatekeeper between the elite and everybody else. The first name that came to mind when I saw the title of this Fox documentary was Walter Duranty, and there are plenty of earlier examples.

    For anyone not recognizing that name, Duranty was the New York Times correspondent in Moscow after the Communists gained power, and he wrote glowing reports of the wonderful and happy people of the new U.S.S.R. – while the Soviets starved some 8 million Ukrainians to death, among other atrocities.


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