Documentary focuses on political corruption in Illinois – IOTW Report

Documentary focuses on political corruption in Illinois

Film called โ€œLincoln is Crying: The Grifters, Grafters and Governors of Illinois,โ€ takes a comical look at many crooked politicians.

9 Comments on Documentary focuses on political corruption in Illinois

  1. Article doesn’t mention Bathhouse Barry and it also says the makers of the film hope to get it on PBS. I’m thinking that alone tells you they ignore one of the dirtiest politicians of all time.

  2. Lincoln isn’t crying – he was a corrupt piece of shit who tore the Union apart to keep it together and usher in a state of authoritarianism.
    He ignored the Constitution and prosecuted a war against the Southern States who dared try to keep their own money.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  3. Tried to secede once but the morons came out and told us we need to keep Shitcago. As an elegant black alderman said because without Shitcago, the rest of Illinois would not have jobs because there would not be prisons to hold all the black criminals from Shitcago. And the majority of jobs were for guards. Demoncrats bought it.

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