Documents Show Hillary’s Email Technician Was Underqualified For The Job – IOTW Report

Documents Show Hillary’s Email Technician Was Underqualified For The Job

hillary clinton shrugs

DC: Newly released documents are raising more questions about whether the State Department IT specialist who managed Hillary Clinton’s private email system was qualified for the job.

Bryan Pagliano’s resume, which the State Department recently turned over to Judicial Watch, shows he had neither experience nor certification in protecting email systems against cyber security threats. READ MORE

9 Comments on Documents Show Hillary’s Email Technician Was Underqualified For The Job

  1. This doesn’t surprise me. Hillary Clinton herself is incompetence personified, so it’s likely she wouldn’t recognize a competent person if one fell out a window and hit her on the head.

    This is.a very big reason to favor Trump over Hillary. Trump, from the very beginning of his career, has surrounded himself with the best people out there. He knows that you get the best results by hiring the best people. With Hillary, it’s all about agendas and loyalty. How do you think Huma has lasted so long?

  2. Like this bitch really wanted someone who was qualified! C’mon, anyone who was qualified and certified wouldn’t be doing this, or would be charging an astronomical fee for their services and then there’s that deniability factor of “Oh gosh Congressman Gowdy, we really thought he knew what he was doing!!”
    Let’s face it, the Clintons have a lot of money, but deep down they’re still lying, conniving, cheap trailer trash!

  3. Found someone to blame!

    Most likely right.

    Yet, in my biz, I am responsible for what everyone working under my license does. As if I did it myself.

    Would not be surprised if I’m held to a higher standard of responsibility for my employees than any pol, especially a Dem.

  4. His job wasn’t running, or even setting up, The State Department’s communication system! It was setting up a SOHO vanity project. How much expertise does it take to “keep clicking OK” until Windows stops bothering you?

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