Documents suggest State Dept. asked Clinton to delete classified emails – IOTW Report

Documents suggest State Dept. asked Clinton to delete classified emails

hillary poll down

WaExaminer: A series of letters sent back and forth between State Department officials and Hillary Clinton’s legal team last year sheds light on the agency’s scramble to recover classified documents that had been stored in unsecured environments.

The letters, made public Wednesday by conservative watchdog Judicial Watch, suggest the State Department was concerned about Clinton’s lawyers handling records that had been upgraded to “secret,” the second-highest level of classification in government.

Recovering now-classified emails that have been potentially touched by dozens of unqualified people posed problems for the State Department,


4 Comments on Documents suggest State Dept. asked Clinton to delete classified emails

  1. Looks like Lurch has his hand in the Hillary Tarbaby now. It would be nice to see him testifying before Congress in the twilight of his career. I reckon he will throw her under the bus in a manner reminiscent of Jinjiss Khan.

  2. Looks like the agency knew exactly the laws she was ignoring/breaking and ignored them. Not that anyone doubts this, we need to clean out the entire State Dept hive before we can trust the agency again.

  3. Why is it “conservative watchdog Judicial Watch” but it’s never “communist-front Southern Poverty Law Center” or the “radical socialist anti-American American Civil Liberties Union?”

    Regardless, this is precisely why HRC will NEVER be indicted by Loretta Lynch and the toadies of the DoJ – too close to home, and they cannot protect Obola if it goes to court.

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