Does California assemblyman David Chiu really think guns are sold in blister packs inside chain stores? – IOTW Report

Does California assemblyman David Chiu really think guns are sold in blister packs inside chain stores?

American Thinker: A California assemblyman got triggered on the streets of San Francisco.

By Andrea Widburg

One of the most shocking things about gun-grabbing Democrats is their ignorance about guns, legal gun–owners, and gun culture.  That ignorance was on display Sunday when David Chiu, a California assemblyman, was walking the streets of San Francisco and discovered the abandoned packaging for a Glock.  The horror!  Except it wasn’t a Glock at all, something he would have realized if he’d read the packing or known anything about gun sales.

David Chiu put out a panicked tweet (since deleted) about his shocking find on the sidewalks of San Francisco: MORE HERE

19 Comments on Does California assemblyman David Chiu really think guns are sold in blister packs inside chain stores?

  1. Hmm. Hangable blister packaged guns for sale in chain stores? Sounds like a fine idea to me.

    And remember when grocery stores stacked up a bunch of cans or boxes in a big pyramid for an eye-catching display? Picture some of those made with ammo boxes.

  2. I usually get the family 10 pack for the kids on christmas. it’s a great party favor, just like poppers. and if one of them breaks or stops working you always have extras.

  3. People should throw out their trash after getting their firearms out of the vending machines. It’s unsightly, and you never know if you’ve left an accessory like a spare magazine or a holographic sight in the package.

  4. The only thing real about is that it will get you shot by the police if you whip out and point it at them.

    That’s when stupid will hurt like it should. Furreal

  5. You know to me the single biggest irony is these costal retards think they are just do much more intelligent than us hicks from the sticks.

    I read an AT article about Marxists red diaper doper babies are great mimics of the commie narrative but lack the basic ability to question anything they are told to parrot. Talk about lack of intellect.

    Hell, our state motto is “Show me” since we greet almost every pronouncement with a dose if healthy skepticism. IOTW is replete with skeptics and yet we are the stupid ones?

    Democrats are a special kind of relexive stupid.

  6. I recognized that from Cabela’s. They sell air guns/ pellet guns that look like all different brands and calibers.
    He’d probably think my pink spring action child’s bb gun I use to shoot at squirrels and chipmunks is an automatic “assault” rifle with a “silencer”.


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