Does CBS Know Something? – IOTW Report

Does CBS Know Something?

13 Comments on Does CBS Know Something?

  1. Well Jackass Joe keeps calling Kamala “President” so there’s that…
    We all know that the Grinning Imbecile and the word salad whore are NOT in charge of anything. Is network honesty starting to break out???

  2. The propaganda media are all in on the plans.
    Including not covering terrorist attacks or attempted attacks like Cmnccguy posted.
    Can’t make Pedo Pete look worse.
    Can’t make the open borders and phony asylum claims public.

  3. Preparing the public for the dumpocraps’ nomination next year. I bet it will be a queer, male or female. The time is not yet ripe for a transgender or an admitted pervert. They need more time for that.

    I believe the “Former President Biden” headline was planned…it gets the idea out there to simmer in the foul soup within liberal’s brains.

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