Does CNN even know what ‘Without Evidence’ means? – IOTW Report

Does CNN even know what ‘Without Evidence’ means?

Patriot Retort: Today, CNN — the network that has been flogging Bob Woodward’s book of “anonymous sources” — had the temerity to issue this tweet:

A House Republican, without evidence, suggests new texts show misconduct of former FBI officials .

Um. Without evidence?

The text messages themselves are the evidence, you prats.

Honestly, does CNN even know what without evidence means?

President Trump could hold up a smoking gun and CNN would declare, “President finds smoking gun, but provides no evidence that the smoke isn’t just from a nearby cigarette.”

But they love the phrase “without evidence.”  Keep reading

12 Comments on Does CNN even know what ‘Without Evidence’ means?

  1. Brad, I’m with you on that ledge. I’m in a very red state and I just witnessed a blood bath in our Republican primaries, conservatives voted out and Republicans who were democrats last year nominated. I witnessed what very determined union leaders were able to do.
    I wish I could be as confidant as others, but our primary season put a lot of doubt in my head.

  2. Unless Trump and the DOJ launch an attack on our nations traitors and force reality right up their collective asses we are in big trouble. If we lose the House you can count on 2 years of obstruction and gridlock. I’m beyond impatient. Trust the plan? What plan? I know, I’m a Q guy, but it is damn sure time to play our cards!

  3. @Bad_Brad-“Woodward’s book just set a 94 year sales record. I’m not reading this as a good sign.”

    Perhaps, because Amazon hasn’t blocked its sale like they have conservative books?

    Besides that, leftists can’t count without cheating: polls, votes, book sales, political rallies, & etc.

  4. Obama and Hillary know how to deal with eyewitnesses. They fired the men who defended the CIA Annex in Benghazi as soon as they arrived in Germany following the Benghazi 9-11 attack. .

    Barry and Hill knew what the real evidence was in that event. They could not hide it, but they could try to hide it by planting false leads by publicizing a false narrative about what happened and heaping a lot of disrespect on the eyewitnesses who were there who knew their story line was complete Crapola.

    The people at CNN are only willing flunkies at denying the undeniable evidence for this and several other events. And not very skilled at it.


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