Does Government Have a Revenue or Spending Problem? – IOTW Report

Does Government Have a Revenue or Spending Problem?

government spending problem

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h/t Flaming Hetero

8 Comments on Does Government Have a Revenue or Spending Problem?

  1. Is it a trick question?

    “government” sounds so neutral. It’s not. The federal government has become a gathering of men that want to take wealth from producers and give to looters to keep them in line and voting for them.

    But wait, there’s more. Under the guise of numerous schemes and policies, the federal government uses our revenue to rewrite history with the Dept/Education, funnel billions to cronies for DOA plans who in return contribute huge “donations” to these very same pols, unnecessarily drive up energy costs to make “sustainable” energy look appealing, every federal bureaucracy fucks up and no one is ever held responsible yet their budgets continue to escalate, schemes like ethanol, wind turbines, solar farms…in which the federal government truly has no Constitutional authority, are little more then scams, how about the trillion dollar stimulus for those “shovel ready” jobs, the CRA that caused the 2007 crash, The Fed now saying inflation is a good thing….

    On and on it goes, a never ending parade of policies that don’t work and have put $200 TRILLION on the books in the form of promises that will never be kept. If businesses ran like federal government, they would be out of business and their CEOs would be in prison for financial malfeasance.

    Do we really need agencies dictating what kind of light bulbs we can use, the amount of lint permissible in a dryer, our toilets flushing…literally a million things? Just for fun sometime look up the acronym list of all of the Federal bureaucracies, you won’t believe it.

    What can’t continue, won’t.

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