Does Kim Jong Un look overwhelmed and intimidated? (Video) – IOTW Report

Does Kim Jong Un look overwhelmed and intimidated? (Video)

CTH: I’ve added video, a VERY SPECIFIC video, to this post because it is stunningly telling of the dynamic.  Watch Chairman Kim Jong-un closely; he is extremely overwhelmed/intimidated by the scale, scope and intensity of the swarm media and the events that have brought him to this moment.

Kim’s respiration rate is fast and deliberate; he attempts to calm his nerves with breaths while simultaneously is aware that every moment is being captured.  I find myself feeling great empathy for Chairman Kim Jong-un in this video.  Again, watch closely this video captures the essence of the meeting better than all others.   more

31 Comments on Does Kim Jong Un look overwhelmed and intimidated? (Video)

  1. He just wants to open North Korea’s first McDonalds featuring kimchee burgers made from fermented tree bark. Yum, “You will eat it because I the great and powerful Kim Jung Un say it’s good for you.” “Do you want fried bugs with that as well?”

  2. For the first time in his life, Kim met a regular guy. An American. All his life he’s been surrounded by ass kissers and people who may want to kill him. He may not live long enough to come through on any agreement, which, of course, will be Trump’s fault.

    I hate the liberal media.

  3. He needed a tough father figure that is able to show him how behaving would be beneficial to him in ways he couldn’t imagine. He has already shown him what will happen if he continues down his dark path – mockery, starvation, possible removal from leadership or death.

  4. I think he was breathing hard. He’s pretty round, and probably doesn’t walk much or play any sports, etc. And like someone mentioned, he smokes like a chimney so that’s probably adding to the stress.

  5. I’m certain that others and Pompeo, especially, have already identified every single member of Kim’s inner circle who are his nemesis and how to deal with them.

  6. And I’m sure all those that he had executed via obliteration by antiaircraft gun felt a little intimidated during their last few seconds of life…
    I don’t feel the slightest empathy for the little fat f-cker.

  7. Unlike his father or grandfather, Kim Jung-Un went to college in the West; Switzerland, IIRC. He’s eaten from the poisoned tree of knowledge and realized that China has played him and his people for pawns in their game against the U.S. Koreans have suffered in the furtherance of China, not the detriment of the U.S. Yet he’s still a product of his upbringing, hence his paranoia during his first trip abroad, (other than two to PRC) since coming to power.

    He will be recognized by both North and South Koreans as a great leader for years to come if he walks away from China and into the embrace of his fellow Koreans under U.S. tutelage, and he knows it. And he’ll be able to go to McDonald’s, Disneyland, and even the NBA playoffs without fear.


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