Does Occasional-Cortex Really want to be on McEnany’s RADAR? – IOTW Report

Does Occasional-Cortex Really want to be on McEnany’s RADAR?

Especially for a ridiculously shallow reason.

JustTheNews: Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Monday criticized White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany for what she considered disrespecting her title as a House member – instead referring to her by her popular nickname “AOC.”

Ocasio-Cortez was on the attack within minutes of McEnany naming her among several well known Democrats calling for the defunding of police departments across the country, after George Floyd’s death. 

“The fact that you have sitting congresswomen wanting to defund the police – notably Rashida Tlaib; notably Biden adviser AOC, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez; former Clinton and Eric Holder spokesperson Brian Fallon wanting to defund our police across this country – it is extraordinary,” McEnany at a press briefing, according to a White House transcript.

Ocasio-Cortez took issue with McEnany not referring to her by her official title, though McEnany did the same to at least two other people she listed.  more here

26 Comments on Does Occasional-Cortex Really want to be on McEnany’s RADAR?

  1. Any attention is good attention. Look at Adam Schiff. Raising ones profile gets them seen by their base. AOC doesn’t need to care what anyone outside of her district thinks of her; And they love her.

  2. McEnany should bring up Sandy’s penchant for stealing the money out of her co-worker’s tip jars back when she was just a lowly crappy bartender.

  3. Occasionally Conscious further opined that a lot of people don’t know the the Supreme Court is just like a regular court but with sour cream and tomatoes.

  4. “…stripping women of color of titles and diminishing them to ‘the help.'” ”

    …last time I looked, Assholewoman, you are all SUPPOSED to be servants OF THE PEOPLE, that’s why you are said ‘to SERVE as a Congresswoman’ because that’s what you’re SUPPOSED to be doing…

    …so, Anus Orificio Cullo, whatever magical powers you THINK your lofty title has to set you far above the mean things that crawl upon the Earth, you ARE, in FACT, ‘the help’.

    …althogh you DO suck at it and have yet to spend one minute actually doing the PEOPLE’S business, so I’m not surprised that someone so ignorant of her own role in Govenment doesn’t KNOW that even though the title “Representative” is a bit of a clue…

    …oh, and BTW, we are ALL supposed to be servants OF THE LORD. If you think your slighly bronzed flesh somehow sets you above THAT, you are NOT going to be happy when you get your exit interview from HIM…

  5. If she had worked in a honky tonk dive bar her theme song could be Hey Ms. bartender by Hank Thompson with apologies to Hank Thompson. She’s about that smart and a dive bar might be her next best choice of employment. The Leon Russell cover from his album Hank Wilson’s back would do nicely. Shit kicking music for a political hack who needs to have the shit kicked out of her. YEE HAW!

  6. Sandy O’Cortez is, indeed, a “congresswoman” but her title is “Representative” as she’s a Member of Congress’s lower House. A Senator is also a Member of Congress – just a member of the upper House.

    This is all picayune bullshit – and – in the great Cosmic Scheme amounts to absolutely NOTHING.

    She, in a just world, would be trading blowjobs for shots of Tequila behind the dumpster – not sitting in the House of Representatives – but we don’t live in a just world – we live in this one.

    izlamo delenda est …

  7. “dive bar might be her next best choice of employment.”
    Dive bars tend to hire quality bartenders who don’t charge their friends drinks on other people’s tabs, or steal from the tip jar.

  8. Effective press secretaries have the skills to control what they say out loud vs what they’re thinking or to only say what they say in a clever way.

    It’s possible the written text [AOC] meaning Cortez’s initials, was incorrect. When what McNany was thinking was instead an acronym. AoC. As-h-le of the Congress.


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