Does she even know what “out of context” means? – IOTW Report

Does she even know what “out of context” means?

hillary putting coal companies out of business

PatriotRetort: I confess I despise Hillary Clinton with every fiber of my being. I’m not particularly a fan of any Democrat, but Hillary’s special. When I heard that she claimed that her saying she would put coal companies and coal miners out of business was being taken out of context, I about sh!t a brick.

See, back when Hillary made this claim, I posted her quote in its entirety — which, on Planet Earth means in context.

Here’s the video and the text of the original quote from mid-March:  more

17 Comments on Does she even know what “out of context” means?

  1. If the producers seceded, the parasites would die of starvation in a matter of days.

    Not that that’d be any great loss …

    just inhumane …

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. And to answer the question: Yes!
    She does, indeed, know what “out of context” means …

    She’s just hoping that the ignorant masses don’t.

    And that the socialist propaganda arm (MSM) will give her the cover she needs and won’t press the issue (which they will … and won’t).

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. The same stupid union mooks that voted for obama even after he told them he was going to bankrupt the coal industry. I have absolutely NO compassion for the eternally stupid!

  4. I guess I was taken out of context. I meant that if the miners and their families believe killary’s lies and vote for her, they deserve her. America does not. She is pure evil, that woman. How anyone who can read will vote for her boggled the mind.

  5. I’m tellin ya, that rotten Chappaqunt, the Asshole in the White House and their Fellow Travellers, fully intend to reduce the coal industry to rubble so that it can be sold to the Chinese for a dime on the dollar with a big-ass royalty to their enablers. That way the Chicoms can continue to burn cheap coal without pollution controls!
    Let’s face it, if it doesn’t go directly to the bottom line, the Chicoms don’t spend a penny on it. A lot of our coal is already going to China right now. They want it all, real bad, real cheap and unscrupulous tools like the Øbamboozler and the Hillbitch are their avenue to get it! That’s whut yer real “Global Warming” BULLSHIT is all about!

  6. for all yall misinformed commenters –


    west virginia did not ever vote for obama…not in 08, and certainly not in 12…..

    please don’t tell us we “deserve” what we did NOT vote for……

    thanks for your support……..

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