Does taxing unhealthy foods work? – IOTW Report

Does taxing unhealthy foods work?


Does taxing unhealthy foods make people eat better? It’s complicated.


Researchers with the Urban Institute have concluded that while well-designed taxes on certain products may cause people to turn to more nutritious options, it’s no guarantee they will have the desired effect and could even impose burdens without any benefit to consumers.


13 Comments on Does taxing unhealthy foods work?

  1. No, because there’s no such thing as an “unhealthy food.” It’s the diet, overall, that’s healthy or unhealthy.

    Kids were starving in school under Moochelle’s restrictive dietary guidelines. Instead of trying to force kids to eat unpalatable food, if she really cares about childhood obesity, she should be pushing to get P.E. back into the schools, and get those kids moving. Inactivity is the chief reason they’re overweight.

  2. Imposing a tax in hopes it curbs consumption for the health of citizens? As the researchers and political class walk away with a pay raise….. They want people to consume high tax items en masse. Devour it as fast as you can before you die, but don’t die before 100% inheritance tax is imposed. If you die from bad health without regular doctor visits, your family will receive would-be hospital bills, back billed with interest and fines.

  3. Moo doesn’t give a taco about kids other than the Negro kids. She’s not concerned about the diets of privileged Caucasian kids other than to make them miserable and hungry.

    Look seriously at the high rise housing projects the dems developed to warehouse Negros they brought up from the south to swell the city’s (see Chicago) Democratic voting block. Those high rise warehouses are not conducive to outdoor play and exercise. Not cool to send a little kid out to play a fenced in play ground 8 stories below their apartment. Parents who were conned into stocking the warehouses no longer had gardens and other amenities of living in the warmer South even if they lived in poor man shacks.

    Kids don’t go out to play and run like they used to do. Black parents who care about their kids are afraid for them to be out playing in the drug and thug drenched hoods. It’s just not safe, but that’s not a concern for her nor the gravy boat she calls her husband.

  4. Tax Ramen noodles and look alike Ramen noodle hair.

    School lunches here are a mess of sugar and empty carbs. This is deemed healthy by the ‘gubmint’ while red meat and pork are demonized.
    The epidemic of diabetes and obesity will continue and worsen as these jerks continue to recommend a diet that has created the problem over the last 5 decades.

    What the heck, more red meat for me.

  5. What the gobment is pushing is what the Amer Diabetes Assn pushed via their counselors until they no longer could when people became savvy to the glycemic index and carb assn. Then they had to change – somewhat. I know this first hand. If it weren’t for the internet, the info out of Australia and the UK, the ADA counselors would have gotten me to the point where I would be needing insulin instead of altogether kicking metformin.

    Butter, red meat, fish and bacon rule.

  6. The purpose of a tax is to raise revenue to pay for the Constitutionally mandated obligations of the FedGov.

    Nothing more!

    We went wrong a long time ago, and it’s doubtful we can recover.

    Except as a low-brow socialist EuroTrash clone or some fucked up moslem / mexican satrapy.

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