Does the Iran Deal Commit Us to Defend the Mullahs Against Israel? – IOTW Report

Does the Iran Deal Commit Us to Defend the Mullahs Against Israel?

islam 9-11 nuclear


Whose side will we be on?  Do we stand by our most loyal ally in the Middle East?

WASHINGTON, DC, Sep 18 – Prominent investigative reporter Ken Timmerman revealed this week that the controversial Iran nuclear pact “commits the United States to actively help Iran to defend its nuclear facilities against cyberattacks from Israel or others and to provide Iran with nuclear technology to modernize its facilities.”

Lending credence to Timmerman’s interpretation of the deal is an exchange between Senator Marc Rubio and Secretary of State John Kerry during a recent Senate Foreign Relations Committee hearing.  Rubio asked for an explanation of a particularly obscure section of the agreement that calls for the U.S. to help Iran defend against sabotage of various types.

“If Israel conducts an airstrike on a physical facility, does this deal…require us to help Iran protect and respond to that threat,” Rubio inquired.  Kerry responded: “I don’t see any way possible that we will be in conflict with Israel with respect to what we might want to do there, and I think we just have to wait until we get to that point.”

“It sounds to me that we might have to do just that—defend Iran against Israel.  How does that square with President Obama’s promise to have Israel’s back in the event of conflict?  It doesn’t and it makes you wonder what would happen if and when the Iranian mullahs decide it’s time to keep their promise to wipe Israel off the map,” Dan Weber, president of the Association of Mature Americans, said.

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6 Comments on Does the Iran Deal Commit Us to Defend the Mullahs Against Israel?

  1. Kerry responded: “I don’t see any way possible that we will be in conflict with Israel with respect to what we might want to do there, and I think we just have to wait until we get to that point.”

    “with respect to what we might want to do there …” Huh?
    “we just have to wait until we get to that point.” … uhhh, what fucking point, Lurch?

    This cocksucker sounds more like HRC every day.
    Mouth moves, words fall out, means nothing.

  2. There are going to be a bunch more Democrats who lose their seats in upcoming elections, if this is true. Along with some RINOs who decided it would be unsportsmanlike or unseemly to use the “nuclear option” the chickenshit Dems invented, to prevent this traitorous agreement from going through.

  3. It’s called doublespeak, and it’s easy to understand..

    “I don’t see any way possible that we will be in conflict with Israel with respect to what we might want to do there, and I think we just have to wait until we get to that point” really means, “Yeah, we’ll nuke the Jews if need be.”

    See how simple that is…?


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