Does this mean he’s no longer black? – IOTW Report

Does this mean he’s no longer black?

When the left loses Charlemagne...

16 Comments on Does this mean he’s no longer black?

  1. Loose cannons tend to break the ribs of their own ship.

    This one seems to be loaded with grapeshot to boot.

    Oh….um….”muthafuckinigga’heehee, niggerniggermuthafucka, muthfuk mi nigga heeheeheeYOOoooooo”. For the Ebonicly inclined.

  2. Well, well. A hoodrat/hip hop “personality” elitist done “turnt”. He must have stepped off the leftist plantation for a moment and found out the left’s guard dogs are viscious.
    Must have been when he pissed off Kamal Mao: . LOL!

    BTW, Looks like the interview with “The Great Maha Rushie”, Rush Limbaugh influenced this leftard Charlemagne tha (little “g”) god more than was expected, .
    Suspect he’s been leaning right for a while, but he’s still hoping the lying, evil left will get it right. Again, LOL!!!

  3. Joe Biden the Race Supremacist has a very long history of lying to the races and using blaks against each other to benefit himself. Thus he tells his SCOTUS nominee who’s a blak woman, “”c’mom man you ain’t blak”.

  4. What was it LBJ said about voting Democrat for the next 200 years? If these people didn’t learn from 8 yrs of the long-legged mack daddy black messiah farce, don’t hold your breath waiting for the red-pilling.

  5. That 200 year thing could well be over with considering how the Left has calously abused their “Black Privilege”. You can use people as toys and tools for only so long before the mendacious dishonesty of it all sets in.

  6. The right helps out blacks all the time, just ask The Aryan Nation, The Proud Boys, The Three Percenters, The Boogaloo Bois, The Wolverine Watchmen & of course your local KKK.

  7. As soon as Mr. “Tha god” gets on his knees and apologizes for voting for the addle-pated commercial for Depends then I’ll care what he says (if I can even understand what the heck he is saying).


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