Does Trump Have A Copy Of Epstein’s Client List? – IOTW Report

Does Trump Have A Copy Of Epstein’s Client List?

Millennial Millie is asking questions.
And what’s up with Hoover and the FBI?

7 Comments on Does Trump Have A Copy Of Epstein’s Client List?

  1. There is no doubt the miscreants are searching for evidence of democrat conspirators and criminal activity including the Epstein-Maxwell list. One sure thing which frightens the democrat reprobate collaborators is EXPOSURE. Nothing to do with tjeir laughable “nuclear codes” which is changed regularly. Add the fact if there was so much of an emergency to gaining otherwise false docs related to “nuclear codes” why then did the interlopers wait 13 days before issuing any bogus warrant approved by the teenage seks predator and judge Bruce Reinhart, including their taking week-ends off? The entire farcical raid is n more than a major distraction from democrat failings and the chronic loser Joe Biden’s deliberate mishandling of the nation all of which points directly to that party’s lamenting of NO VOTES NO POWER. Add again any mole within the Trump circle must be discovered and dealt with, and could be anyone from the the (bribed) garden/domestic help upwards.

  2. There is no doubt the miscreants are searching for evidence of democrat conspirators and criminal activity including the Epstein-Maxwell list. One sure thing which frightens the democrat reprobate collaborators is EXPOSURE. Nothing to do with tjeir laughable “nuclear codes” which is changed regularly. Add the fact if there was so much of an emergency to gaining otherwise false docs related to “nuclear codes” why then did the interlopers wait 13 days before issuing any bogus warrant approved by the teenage seks predator and judge Bruce Reinhart, including their taking week-ends off? The entire farcical raid is no more than a major distraction from democrat failings and the chronic loser Joe Biden’s deliberate mishandling of the nation, all of which points directly to that party’s lamenting of NO VOTES NO POWER. Add again any mole within the Trump circle must be discovered and dealt with, and could be anyone from the the (bribed) garden/domestic help upwards.

  3. srdem65,
    that’s nuthin … I get 25 cents for every dick I suck and I’m a millionaire!

    and I know guys who take it from both ends at the same time who make more’n me.
    I done it a coupl’a times but found it distracting …

  4. like I said in a post the other day:

    I’m assuming whatever was left a MAL was left there to be “found”
    Question: “How do you enter evidence into the record?”

    PDT’s said over & over, “I caught them all, let’s see what happens.”


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