Does Trump’s shuffling of the Defense Policy Board mean something? – IOTW Report

Does Trump’s shuffling of the Defense Policy Board mean something?

American Thinker-

By Andrea Widburg

On Friday, news broke that President Trump had removed several members of the Defense Department’s civilian Defense Policy Board.  This follows hard on the heels of his decision to fire defense secretary Mark Esper.  The question is why now?  I’ve heard some interesting, informal theories suggesting that this has to do with those Scytl machines in Germany.

On November 9, President Trump fired Secretary Esper.  In some ways, as Breitbart notes, it was a “long-anticipated move”:

The relationship between Trump and Esper soured quickly after Esper preempted the president by declaring he did not support using active-duty forces to restore peace during a summer of violent riots.

Trump had not called for using troops, but had warned he might if the violence continued. However, Esper’s preemptive declaration made it more difficult for the president to use the threat of deployment of troops as a deterrent to rioters.

That’s a good reason to fire Esper, but the timing is still interesting.  After all, if Trump has given up and believes he has only two months left in the White House, it was a fairly pointless move.  Alternatively, if he has four years more in the White House, it seems peculiar for him to engage in administrative shuffles when he should be focusing all his energy on challenging the election. read more

30 Comments on Does Trump’s shuffling of the Defense Policy Board mean something?

  1. Trump doesn’t give up. Trump’s eyes were wide open when he took office. Trump’s preparations for this started his first six months in office when he reworked the EAS. We’re only seeing or hearing about 10% of what’s taking place right now. It’s literally a struggle between good and evil.

  2. My head hurts after reading that. Yes, those moves DO have meaning. A president has to have the military backing in order to remain in office. Chris Miller and the Special Ops are probably the only ones he can truly trust. He still needs the full military, but for highly classified strategy and operations, that inner circle needs to be as small and trusted as it possibly can.

  3. From the link;
    “Trump’s problem now is the same that it’s been for four years: he has to work around a hostile administrative state. The FBI, the CIA, and many in the Pentagon, including old-guard members of the Defense Policy Board, are all against him. That hostility may explain how Special Forces, who are their own unit and who report directly to a Trump loyalist (Christopher Miller), come into the picture.”

    And this is the same horse that I’ve been beating for 2 years now on this site. The swamp, as Trump saw it early on, starts and is the most rank and vile within the departments he has direct authority over. He (and the rest of us) saw early on how Obama and his trained monkey Dementia Joe was weaponizing Justice and the military to spy, impede, retard the efforts of the incoming administration. Trump knew the FBI, CIA, and the upper echelons of the Pentagon were infected and poisonous to his agenda, yet he did nothing to remove them and thus purge the system.

    Much of the difficulties he finds himself in now are of his own making because he did not staff those departments with loyal selfless patriots who believed in his agenda as it would benefit America and make it great again.

  4. “Much of the difficulties he finds himself in now are of his own making”

    I don’t know Rich. I think the Deep State is a lot deeper and wider than anybody thought. Take Wray for example. He came highly recommended by people we now know are RINOS. Chris Cristy in particular. I think it’s more of a case of giving certain individuals enough rope to hang them selves

  5. The Democrat are looking to reshape America, the swamp is deep. Venezuela, Maduro, Dominion, Soros, Democrats, Gates, Global Socialism, all of these are related. This is bigger than just America.

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  6. I do not disagree rich taylor, but that still seems to be easier said than done. We are talking about hundreds of scrunts that work at his (PDJT’s) discretion…… what’s he going to do? backfill those spots with crackerbaby and rich taylor or leave them empty? The President has accomplished more than he promised (against all odds) in his first 4 years…. his second term will be glorious!

  7. I also hope someone at the top is investigating Biden, Fauci, Obama, Clinton, Gates, to see if they are deliberately re-infecting people with the virus. We know they will lie cheat and steal, so deliberately killing people to further their agenda isn’t out of the question. Ask Cuomo and de Blasio.

  8. “I think it’s more of a case of giving certain individuals enough rope to hang them selves”

    And instead of watching that hanging from the balcony of the WH, he will be a civilian observer from Trump Tower.

    Anybody paying attention could see what a snake Wray was as early as the Horowitz investigation, he was foot dragging, un cooperative, even misleading/prevaricating during his Congressional hearings. He should have been cashiered 2 years ago.

    Ditto with Haspel, jeez louis, why didn’t anyone vetting her not see her not so hidden loyalties to that creep Brennan? He is the worst.

    Were the dems at all subtle about what they were going to do in the 2020 election? Sure, a lot of blame falls on those do-nothing GOP congress critters but the Executive Departments that Trump did have control over, they to this day remain obstinate and defiant to their own commander in chief. He needed loyalty (or at least someone with respect for the rule of law) and got neither.

  9. ” I think the Deep State is a lot deeper and wider than anybody thought.”

    IMO, it’s not just a hidden American power structure independent of itself, it’s far larger one that has established itself on a global scale.

    Notice how it seems to span oceans and continents with coordinated actions that, while differing in local application, have the same end result on the people and the nations involved.

  10. Well, if Trump doesn’t somehow pull off something amazing and remain in the White House, the idea of him running again in 2024 is a pipe dream. Or for any other conservative to run. Stick a fork in the Republic, it’s done. Turn in your guns, sit down and shut up. They have won.

  11. We still have a chance, 51, that’s my new mantra. It all comes down to Georgia January 5th. If we can keep a majority, it’s got to be 51, then the Republic can survive. Anything less and it’s direct unencumbered (not even a slippery slope) slide to a governmental sanctioned pogrom of civil liberties, religious freedoms, gun rights, and anything remotely associated with patriotism, honor, and love of country.

  12. @Rich Taylor – I think everyone here is as upset as you, but Brad and others have a point. Trump had, and still does have, a monumental task of cleaning up the deep state. The deep state globalist cabal has been decades in the making. Finding those loyal patriot people to fill these key positions is damn near impossible. Finding close loyal advisors to help him fill those positions is equally impossible.

    He has had to build a team from scratch. He had no choice but to accept the recommendations of career politicians and bureaucrats to get started. On top of that, he had to act within the false narrative that the media created about him – 99% of their articles were negative. Try working in that environment.

    If he survives this election, and I will remain optimistic that he will, he can scorch the deep state earth. And I have no doubt that he will.

  13. Careful?
    There is ample precedence for just that remedy:
    “..a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.”

  14. Sometimes deliberately giving someone the opportunity to screw you over is the only way to determine who the disingenuous backstabber really is.
    Trump’s sure had to learn a lot about that in the last 5 years.
    Dealing with businessmen, even a Madoff, must be a piece of cake compared to scumbag politicians.

  15. “Careful”

    I was in no was suggesting we all pick up our favorite bullet launchers and head out into the streets. That’s a dead loser. Right now the NSA knows exactly when you fart and can analyze the fumes and tell you what you last ate. You would need to throw away every electronic device you have and go dark. Including and especially your TV. And spend only cash. Quit your job. Etc, Etc. Rising up against our Government is a fools mission. You’d be a headline for about an hour and a half.
    I was talking about Military Intervention. How sacred is our vote? The founders seem to think it was pretty damn important? What should be done to protect?
    There’s steps Trump has taken, things I’m seeing in the news, that make me think Trump maybe headed down this path. Trump’s not a fool, and only a fool would think the Deep State will be held accountable in our current Justice System. Military Tribunals are another story. Anyway, maybe wishful thinking but Trump certainly understands the gravity of our current situation. When I read the involvement of Ezra Cohen-Watnick it made me pretty optimistic.

  16. Stirrin, I was not suggesting that Trump is at fault for not eliminating ,” The deep state globalist cabal has been decades in the making”, of course it’s too big, too thoroughly embedded in every fabric of the government. But cleaning up his own house, the Executive Branch (Justice, the FBI, the military) would have gone a long way in removing obstacles to furthering his agenda.

    I am reminded of Bill Clinton firing every US attorney (all 93 of them) when he named Janet Reno as his AG, this was for the purposes of removing all GOP hold outs for the last administration and putting “his guys” in positions of power. If we had Trump loyalists heading these departments, from the beginning, the Russian hoax, the FBI corruption, Dementia Joe’s family baggage, all would have been exposed early enough on to have made a difference in this election.

  17. Trump is playing his cards very close to his chest. Behind the scenes there’s plenty going on but all that said he still needs the american people continuing to demonstrate outrage.
    I just came back from the store about an hour ago and at the intersection there was a crowd on the corners waving signs and the noise from cars blowing their horns as they passed was deafening. That made me realize that people are pissed and still solidly behind the president. It made me feel good for a change!

  18. “There is one other option that cleans most of this mess up in one shot…”

    “…I was talking about Military Intervention…”

    So, “shot” was not what one first assumes, but rather in the sense “one fell swoop”

    I get it, but still, be careful in your choice of words. Like you say, the NSA sees all, knows all. 😉

  19. Rich Taylor – “…If we had Trump loyalists heading these departments, from the beginning…”

    That’s where your argument is flawed. Trump was an outsider and did not have enough loyalist from which to draw. Loyalists in his world were in the private sector, and had little experience in politics. Clinton, on the other hand, had a deep pool to draw from.

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