Does Whitmer Look Like Bruce? – IOTW Report

Does Whitmer Look Like Bruce?

First, look at this...

Then check this image out and let me know what you think.

18 Comments on Does Whitmer Look Like Bruce?

  1. Sadly the one universal truth about the internet is that you cannot unsee something.
    I have seen this and I wish I had not
    I will live, and put this behind be.
    But it will take work

  2. Difference?

    A). Whitmer has never been on a Wheaties box nor A role model to young children.
    B). Oh crap. There is no other argument. they both are hideous life forms. Not sure why either are relevant.

  3. One of the beauties of democracy is that any fukkin imbecile, on any given day, can be elected by other fukkin imbeciles.
    They get what they deserve.
    Same with NY.
    Same with NYC.
    Same with MD.
    Same with VA.
    Same with CA.

    You’d think “Can’t happen in a rational world” but there it is.
    These beasts don’t just crawl out of the woodwork and make themselves Governors (and Mayors) – they’re placed there by adoring, sycophantic morons – millions of em.

    izlamo delenda est …


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