Doesn’t ‘reflect reality’: Mike Pompeo rejects Germany’s complaint about Trump – IOTW Report

Doesn’t ‘reflect reality’: Mike Pompeo rejects Germany’s complaint about Trump

Wa Ex:

MUNICH — European leaders who worry about an American withdrawal from other Western allies are ignoring the facts about U.S. foreign policy under President Trump, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo argued Saturday.

“I’m happy to report that the death of the trans-Atlantic alliance is grossly overexaggerated,” Pompeo told the Munich Security Conference.

That blithe comment introduced an extended rejection of European criticism of American foreign policy. The conference organizers identified “Westlessness” as the theme of this year’s gathering, but Pompeo panned the idea as nothing but an unpleasant fantasy.

“So let’s be straight-up: The United States is out there fighting alongside you for sovereignty and freedom,” he said. “We should have confidence in our alliances and our friends. The free West has a far brighter future than illiberal alternatives … Don’t be fooled. Don’t be fooled by those who say otherwise.” read more

8 Comments on Doesn’t ‘reflect reality’: Mike Pompeo rejects Germany’s complaint about Trump

  1. As I suspected, the Atlantic Council is deeply involved. More deep state globalist bullshit:

    “February 16, 2019 WASHINGTON, DC – The Atlantic Council and Munich Security Conference (MSC) today announced a strategic partnership to bolster the transatlantic alliance and rules-based international order.”

    And while you are at it, Pompeo, will you please cut state department funds going to the Atlantic Council? That’d be great.

  2. Let germany pay their own down defense costs. They’ll soon find our their ‘free health care’ is complete bullshit, as are their other socialist perks that THE UNITED STATES PAYS FOR by way of paying most of germany’s defense costs.

    Let them pay their own way, and screw ’em if the russians take over.

  3. Babies always cry when being weened. All the US dollars pouring in and fattening the wallets of shiftless and lazy Euro politicians is hard to say good bye to.
    Cheer up Europe, China is eager to be your new sugar daddy!

  4. it’s not like they like the USA anyway, right?
    the way they talk about the USA you would think they were glad to pay for their own defense

    after all aren’t we all just a bunch of deplorables?


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