Dog being used to protect wildlife in Glacier National Park – IOTW Report

Dog being used to protect wildlife in Glacier National Park

KALISPELL (AP) — The dog bark patrol is on the job at Glacier National Park, notifying wildlife managers and herding mountain goats and bighorn sheep to keep them away from strangers.

Officials say the goats and sheep are attracted to salt that drips off vehicles, and they pose a danger to people in parking lots who could get too close and provoke an attack.

Rangers tried using shotguns with non-lethal ammunition, sirens and whips, but they say dogs are better. The canines are already being used in other parks to keep the peace between humans and wildlife.  more

8 Comments on Dog being used to protect wildlife in Glacier National Park

  1. The salt drops off the vehicles because it is applied to the roads to melt the snow and ice…yeppers, better wildlife management through micro-managing the micro-managers….

  2. I had a dog like that, Ruby would herd the girl scouts at the camp I worked at. When the girls were in the main field Ruby would run out with them and lay down facing them 5 to 10 feet away. If the girls would move from the field toward the road Ruby would position herself between them and the road darting back and forth barking to keep them off the road. Ruby wasn’t trained to do this she was doing what a border collie does. It was funny to watch. All the girls liked Ruby she was a great friend. Smartest dog I ever had.

  3. Nothing makes a working dog happier than having a job to do. And a dog couldn’t ask for a nicer place to work. My dog absolutely LOVES Montana. He licked my face the first time I took him there, and he never took his eyes off the scenery, scanning for wildlife. He got to see moose, a grizzly bear, and had a staring contest with a mountain lion. Probably still dreams about it.

    But I have yet to make it all the way over the pass on Going-to-the-Sun Road. It’s always snow blocked when I’m up that way.

  4. Lazlo’s best friend Angus is an Aussie shepherd. He has several jobs.
    One is ‘Helper Dog’. When I return from a raid with a trunk full of loot (groceries) I text Mrs. Lazlo to ‘release the hound’ Angus races out to the Lazlomobile and escorts me as I carry in the loot.
    I learn more about God hanging out with my dog than I do in Church.
    I submit that without the domestication of the dog, that we would still live in caves, and we would have missed our entire purpose here on Earth.

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