Dog Stays With Lost Three-Year-Old Overnight, Leads Rescuers To Her – IOTW Report

Dog Stays With Lost Three-Year-Old Overnight, Leads Rescuers To Her

A three-year-old girl was rescued after spending a night lost in the wooded mountainous area around her rural home in Queensland, Australia. The young girl was not alone during the 15-hour ordeal in the cold, wet weather. She had a companion in Max, a 17-year-old Blue Heeler that is deaf and partially blindMore @ KFI.

34 Comments on Dog Stays With Lost Three-Year-Old Overnight, Leads Rescuers To Her

  1. Reminds me of my first dog, Marty.
    He was always by my side and sat with my younger sister everywhere she went. He loved her so much, would growl at strangers that came near her, always wanted his tummy rubbed and when we both would try to leave him he would reach out with his front paw and hold onto us. :’)

  2. My collie Buddy herded my kids when they were little. He always kept an eye on them and once licked a very nasty spider bite on my youngest daughters arm causing it to heal. If I have one more dog I’m going to get another collie if for no other reason to be around my grandkids. I’m a sucker for collies, blame it on watching Lassie when I was a little kid back in the late 50’s and early 60’s.

  3. Blue Heelers and Merles are Australian Shepherds.
    Somebody give that doggie a belly rub!

    Last I checked, not an AKC recognized breed, which is truly their loss. They are very intelligent, and want to have a job to do. I had one in the late ‘80’s, and she would catch a Frisbee as many times as you could throw it. Loyal? A buddy of mine was sitting next to my Mom, telling a funny story. He jumped up and faced her as part of his story, and immediately, Matilda had a death grip on his left ass cheek.

    Gets funnier every time I think about it.

    Aussies are great dogs.
    Dogs are great companions.

    Good doggie.

  4. We had a Blue Healer and he was a maniac (in a good way). He loved to fetch things that were his size or larger (he was amazingly strong). If there was no one to play with, he’d entertain himself. I have seen him literally rip an 8 foot sapling out of the ground and prance around with it in his teeth. Or grab a piece of firewood as big around as he was and shake it like a rabbit, growling all the while. Bigger pieces of wood (think section of tree trunk) he’d shove around with his snout, snarling and yelping like some dog of the damned. We had 20 acres for him to roam but he was never out of earshot. Call him and he’d come storming out of the woods, his hind legs throwing up dirt behind him like a rooster tail, ready for action. He was hell on moles.

    Loyal, protector, friend. I miss my little Dude.

  5. That’s why if at all possible, every family that has kids should have a dog. The kids learn about responsibility and more importantly they learn from the dog about loyalty, true friendship, and love.
    G-d didn’t give them to us on a whim.

  6. I adopted a rescue blue heeler in December. He’s a little less than 2 years old. He looks almost exactly like the dog in the article and acts just like Ho72 described (except he hasn’t ripped out any trees yet:) He is VERY smart. Sometimes I wonder if I’m training him or if he’s training me. The sweetest dog EVER. (Unless you’re a stranger and get anywhere near me or our house).

  7. My Dad had a fox terrier that lived for 17 years. ‘Ginger’ was my Pops life saver after the loss of his Dad, from age 8 till he was 25……

    On the way to hospice this hypocritical, phony assed southern baptist preacher came to guide my Dad’s soul to heaven and advise him. In the course of the conversation my Dad said he was looking forward to seeing ‘Ginger’ again. The asshole said that there were no dogs in heaven….. my Dad responded…….
    “Well, then that ain’t much of a heaven then”…..The Preacher got all red and squinty face……I was belly laughing….

  8. A Dog is the best tonic for a Man’s soul.
    After I die I will know I am getting close to Heaven when I can hear the Dogs Barking, and can see all the Terrier’s heads popping up over the walls as they jump.

  9. willysgoatgruff- Why in the world would that asshole say that to your dad???
    Don’t let me catch his ass in the street. Shit.
    This is my take: If you don’t believe something someone says or if you think they are incorrect, but it’s not going to hurt them, you, or anyone else — Shut your fucking pie hole and smile at them. It costs you nothing.

  10. Max is smarter & more loving than the Maine legislature.
    Max wants to protect little girls. The Demonrats in the Maine legislature do not.

    The root meaning of hero is protector.
    Max is a Hero. The Demonrats in Maine are Zeros. And should be ashamed of themselves.

  11. My brother is a vet and would say the dog associates food with humans and if he stays with the human there will be food coming.
    The other story he likes to tell, when your dog wakes you in a fire situation, the dog can’t open the door so he goes to get a human who can open the door.
    Aren’t dogs great?

  12. @willysgoatgruff. That Pharisee S.B. Preacher ( you can decide what s. b. stands for) must be willfully ignorant of two movies made because other people know better. All Dogs Go to Heaven & All Dogs Go to Heaven 2.

  13. Sally – I hope I never have your brother as a vet. He doesn’t see into dog’s hearts. I firmly believe they can feel love, just as humans can. Not everything they do is based on what’s in it for them.

    As for Max – 17 years old, bless his sweet doggy heart.

  14. Oh really. What does Sally’s vet brother say about dogs that put themselves in harm’s way against larger more dangerous attackers to protect their human ?
    A fine example of that is the story of Sgt Stubby, the dog that went to the trenches of WW1 doing many heroic deeds. He even caught a German spy when during a moment alone, the dude screwed up and spoke German to Stubby. His story is currently an animated movie in the theaters , but you can fine his story online.

    Whatever motivates dogs to do what they do. I’m glad they do it.

    Oh, here’s another great dog story a guy told at church Sunday.

    A friend who had a dog that never stopped anyone from breaking into buildings on their property. But the dog wouldn’t let them leave.

  15. I’ve got a poorly bred Heeler with 6 inch legs….He’s just happy all the time. He likes ice cubes, but not handed to him….you have to toss it in the air a bit and then he goes and kills it….


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