Dogs Behaving Badly 😉 – IOTW Report

Dogs Behaving Badly 😉

Who can be mad at this face? WHO? I ask you. WHO???
Click HERE to see all the little faces you can’t get mad at.

Ain’t no shame in that! Oh, wait…

18 Comments on Dogs Behaving Badly 😉

  1. We took Bleu to the vet today for toenail trimming and re-eval for arthritis in the hips. He’s gained 21 pounds in the last year and we didn’t see it. He’s up to 92 pounds.

    We screwed up. Too much food for his lowered activity level. He’s 11 and retired from a mostly outside life. We have concrete on two sides of the house and this took care of his claws. Not anymore.

    First time for a manicure also. He was a perfect gentlemen for this and the doc and staff made much of him and his behavior. So now the diet kicks in.

  2. Two weeks ago AJ, the rescued blonde lab, ate a 3 pound boneless pork loin roast.
    We each had an end, AJ ate the rest, it was good too.
    He never took anything off the counter before, now I know.
    If Rosco was a big as AJ, we would have to put a fence up.
    Rosco is a forager, eats a lot of lizards, ate a toad, once. Learned that lesson fast.
    Eating a toad will make a dog sick, damn sick, ask Rosco.

  3. Bogy the wonder Lab likes jumping through screens to get into the house while we are gone. He’s punched through a total of three. One of them looks like he was going 120 mph. I’m not sure how he knows the window is open but he must. He hasn’t done it for a couple months now. I hope we cured him.

  4. When I was a kid, we had a beautiful German Shepherd. She loved walks by the river, but we could never keep her from rolling in dead fish. Even a long bath didn’t help; she lived in the basement for a few days! Peeeuuuuwwwww!

  5. @Bayouwulf – Ewwwww. Does he then give you “kisses?”

    My Westies like to eat cardboard boxes. Leave an empty box on the floor and within minutes it’s in shreds.

  6. All my dogs have been big (65+ pounds), and so capable of reaching kitchen counters. Through the years we have lost birthday cakes, pies a whole bag of chocolate candy and a bowl of meatballs. But the loss was soon forgiven, and well worth the laughs we’ve had through the years.

  7. Claudia February 9, 2018 at 6:29 pm

    When I was a kid, we had a beautiful German Shepherd. She loved walks by the river, but we could never keep her from rolling in dead fish. Even a long bath didn’t help; she lived in the basement for a few days! Peeeuuuuwwwww!

    We had a German Shepherd that loved doing the same thing. Problem was we were 4 hours from home and had to smell her all the way home. UGH!

  8. @riverlife_callie, it’s only occasionally a problem. I keep the litter box cleaned out as much as possible. I must confess, Ernie is one of the most affectionate and lovable dogs I’ve ever known. Penny is VERY jealous of any attention he gets from me.

  9. had a wonderful lab/lahsa apso mix I named Indiana Bones.She died ator 17 yers. My neighbor loves to tell the story when she went into his garage, opened up his smoker and ate all the game he was smoking. He wasnt happy then but laffs about it now.

    She also opened my garage frige, opened the bottom tray and ate a dozen hot dogs.

  10. Charlie,

    There’s nothing better on the face of the earth than a Lab with a sense of humor. I feel for you bro. Put my share of great dogs down. I have two class clown Labs living with me now. But the best dogs I have ever owned are Chesapeake Bay Retrievers. Period, end of story.

  11. You know what drives me nuts about the dogs that roll their shoulders into the stinkiest thing they can find is that they are happy with themselves. They couldn’t be prouder. Dumb dogs.

  12. Little Miss Lady went over the Rainbow Bridge 4 weeks ago. There is a huge dog shaped hole in our home….

    That being said, she was a 6 pounds soaking wet Papillon…. and could clear an auditorium with a single tiny whisper of a fart. Not so ladylike on occasion….

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