That was the response to Elon Musk (and Vivek Ramaswamy).

See also:
Poll: 60% of Americans Says U.S. Does Not Need Any More H-1B Visa Workers
Breitbart: The majority of likely American voters says the United States does not need any more foreign H-1B visa workers to fill white-collar jobs, a new poll finds.
A Rasmussen Reports survey reveals that 6-in-10 Americans say the U.S. “already has enough talented people to train and recruit” for white-collar jobs when asked whether Congress should increase the inflow of foreign workers, primarily those arriving through the H-1B visa program. more
SNIP: If you search the media, you’ll see that they’re also bringing in foreigners for blue collar jobs on these visas. (Plumbers, cooks, sales clerks, truck drivers, factory workers…)
There was much argument on X… and then suddenly:

Yeah, whatever.
“Yeah, whatever.”
No that’s bull shit based on an uninformed opinion. We have a huge talented labor problem in this country. Half the people under 30 don’t won’t to work at all and the other half are content at working for Star Bucks living in a tent. That is reality. I see it every day. Increase H-1B’s? No, that’s not the answer. The answer is clean up the system and bring them in when you’ve placed them for a job. I see both points but Elon is reacting to something he fights daily. I’m not sure we can win this fight with out Elon so we need to turn down the heat. Oh and cut off the benefit’s to these youngsters who some how are still collecting the COVID shit. WTF?
No it’s complete bullshit. Look at the people who have been bitterly complaining about losing their jobs to these assholes. A lot of them even trained their replacements! Disney employees in Burbank, for one, got replaced by Indians and Koreans. Those are college educated people. You know, the same colleges all the Google people tell you to attend so you can get a job with them. And when you go looking for work there, they already got sanjay and they don’t need you.
They only want low-pay workers, and the companies get tax breaks and some of them don’t even need to pay payroll tax for them.
But yeah, let’s stay silent and placate people like we do with the RINOs (Because that always works.) and watch the petulant child Elon remove people’s checkmarks and remove their subscribers because they disagreed with him.
MJA. Those people yelling the loudest are not losing their jobs to H-1B’s. They’re losing them to straight up illegals. Like I said, no increase on H-1B’s, just clean it up. You know what I do for a living. Nobody in my trade can hire help. The benefit is my trades getting really good at robotics.
“Those people yelling the loudest are not losing their jobs to H-1B’s.”
Oh OK. Well I’ll tell the 3 people I know who lost their jobs and had to train Sanjay, Monjay and Tuesjay that they didn’t really lose their jobs to H1Bs, even though the dudes told them that they were there on H1B.
If they do not have to pay payroll taxes on H-1B, that’s a 15% reduction paid per employee. While the employee has the same take home pay, without contributing anything to the debt they have created.
In the end it’s the same, someones making money or it wouldn’t be happening.
“Oh OK. Well I’ll tell the 3 people I know who lost their jobs and had to train Sanjay, Monjay and Tuesjay that they didn’t really lose their jobs to H1Bs, even though the dudes told them that they were there on H1B.”
I’m not arguing there are not abuses. And lot’s of them. What I’m saying is they’re minuscule compared what’s going on with illegal aliens taking all the new jobs. Just read the jobs reports.
And we still have a talented labor shortage,
What industry do your pals work in?
How’s this for a plan? Shut down H1-B visas entirely for two years. We need to figure what kind of talent we have or what we don’t have. I’m thinking good old American know how will rise to the occasion and we will realize we can accomplish more on our own than we can by bringing in millions of foreigners that don’t have a clue of what being an American really means. I’m sick of this nonsense argument!
Vivek and Elon are not culturally Americans. They don’t get it, because they’re essentially globalists who still relate to their countries of origin. Glaringly, evident in their comments about labor.
First priority should be Americans employed by American companies and industries when possible. The import of labor has become habitual rather than a necessity. Excessive imported foreign labor has been tolerated in the US way to long.
Yes, there are misseducated, public school socialist indoctrinated, lazy American Millennials, Gen Z and now Alphas. They can be reprogrammed and conditioned to appreciate work ethics, if there’s no longer a subclass of illegals, the elusive almost extinct “legal” migrants (usually seasonal farm workers) and employees with H-1B Visas to depend on to taking up the slack.
I’ve never been unemployed when I was willing to sweat through my shirt pants and underwear. My hands were calloused, greasy and dirty for 30++ years…..I don’t think Elon and Vivek ever worked in that environment and probably never needed too. Blessings to them….Elon and Vivek never went to war and I didn’t either…
American’s will always rise to the occasion and thrive, excel and overcome. It’s our history…
Elon cut loose the chaff from twitter/X and hopefully will do the same through DOGE. Everything runs better when it runs leaner and the US government needs to lose all of the fat and waste, but NEVER forget the resiliency of American citizens. Being an American citizen is critical….
It’s all bullshit – all scam.
America simply doesn’t need any foreigners, whatsoever.
What America needs are colleges and universities that actually teach useful things instead of being indoctrination centers for Satanism.
mortem tyrannis
izlamo delenda est …
it is true. due to the h1b visas, the majority of the high tech jobs have been taken over by foreigners (India). my wife is experiencing first hand-the new hires are Indians. in fact, a lot of work for her company is done over in India. the best part, the h1b visas are allowed a 1 month vacation (go back to India) but an American working there trying to take more than 2 weeks off is given a hard time.
Elon and Vivek didn’t create the H1b Visa Scam.
Scumbag American politicians and bureaucrats did.
Its all a Grift and a Scam people.. A perfect day 1 assignment for Trumps new “DOGE Department” Heh. /Salute
If the education system wasn’t a hot mess of leftist indoctrination, this wouldn’t be an issue at all.
Anon, you broke the code. This “rift”, as the Lefties love calling it, is phony. STEM degrees, all together, are ~20%, but you start separating them and CS, the various engineering disciplines, the physical and applied sciences individually, all come out to ~3%. Math and physics aren’t even on the radar.
This is the work of the teacher unions and Bucketmouth’s Dept of Education. Put schools back in the control of local boards and the parents and things may improve.
Mr, Beachmom works at one of the largest engineering firms in the world.
Of all the new hires in his office in the past few yrs 2 have been white American men. The company hires foreigners, minorities and women. It’s almost impossible for a young white American man to get an interview.
The last hire was a woman from overseas.
They work cheaper and the company gets woke points.
You’re all attacking Elon Musk for this position, which is a typical failing for us … lashing out at the wrong person. If we do this, we could drive him to the other side, and then we will be well and truly f#cked. This guy is one of the great minds of the last 100 years. We simply must have him on our side
So why put our trust in him … Because he comes from a land and a group that has been destroyed by one of the most vicious and hypocritical propaganda campaigns ever seen
How did “Apartheit” become the epitome of human evil in the West? Because a certain group of leftist fanatics willed it so with one of the most relentless PSYOPS campaign the world has ever seen. These monsters went so far as to torment a teenage distance runner from SA named Zola Budd simply because she had a dual citizenship with England and used it to qualify for the Olympics in the Eighties
Well, this “evil” regime was overthrown. So, how is South Africa doing these days. Basically, it has degenerated into a deranged hellhole, where the precious black man is free to murder white SA farmers in the most horrific way imaginable … while the very same demonic Left says nothing.
Musk would feel all of this in his gut. These butchered people are his kinsmen, his Tribe. I think it’s impossible that he would collaborate with the Left … any more than Jews in the Fifties would collaborate with ex-Gestapo officers
So, if he is doing something that is harmful to us, I give him the benefit of the doubt. Maybe it’s something that has to be done. Maybe it’s just temporary; maybe it’s a feint
OB77: I agree. I don’t get this sudden bashing of Elon and Vivek from OUR SIDE! WTF, people? First off, Vivek is a natural born American, not an immigrant. Elon is exactly the kind of immigrant we need, and he wasn’t a H1B visa immigrant. While I agree the work ethic is dead among Gen X and later generations of Americans, H1B visas are not the answer. Fix the underlying problem.
One major element of the equation has been ignored, Congress.
Where the RINOs and Democrats have traditionally forced US industry and formerly American Jobs out of the country.
The cost of doing Business in the US, due to stifling Regulations and Taxes by unelected Bureaucrats, Lobbyists and Congress forces business out of the country or to hire cheaper labor.
Making China, Mexico, India and many other countries being made great again at our expense.
Anyone else getting sick of hearing the name Elon Musk?
At this point, he is the new George Soros in American politics.
Why just the other day it was Mike Johnson. It’s amazing how things change.
The IT market is turning over in technology ever 5 to 8 years. A computer Science BS must come in with a couple of certifications. They will be paid an entry level salary that is almost what a school teacher makes. If they keep up with technology getting new certs in 15 to 20 years they are making more than what the industry wants to pay and they are laid off and replaced with a H1B that is 25% cheaper than a college new hire.