‘Doing Us A Huge Favor’: DeSantis Spox Says Good Riddance To Anyone Leaving Florida Over Parental Rights Law – IOTW Report

‘Doing Us A Huge Favor’: DeSantis Spox Says Good Riddance To Anyone Leaving Florida Over Parental Rights Law

Daily Wire:

Christina Pushaw fired back after New York City Mayor Eric Adams (D) announced a plan to attack Florida’s recently-signed Parental Rights in Education law, saying that her state was better off without anyone who chose to leave over its passage.

Adams promoted the plan — which involved several digital billboards placed throughout the state, inviting Floridians to move to New York City in order to be allowed to “say whatever you want.” The move came in response to Florida’s law, which did not actually ban anyone from saying “gay.” Rather, it banned classroom instruction on gender identity and sexual orientation for students in kindergarten to third grade.

“This political showmanship by attempting to demonize a particular group or community is not accepted,” Adams said when he announced the plan.

Pushaw, who serves as spokeswoman for Florida Governor Ron DeSantis (R), quickly responded, “The Mayor of NYC is doing us a huge favor!”

“Not surprising that the same mayor who forces 2-4 year olds to cover their faces all day is also apparently a proponent of gender theory for 5-9 year olds,” Pushaw continued. MORE

16 Comments on ‘Doing Us A Huge Favor’: DeSantis Spox Says Good Riddance To Anyone Leaving Florida Over Parental Rights Law

  1. Imagine that, people getting out of Dodge in California and fleeing to Florida, while some Floridians move to NYC. I know the reason why people are fleeing from California for greener pastures. Wherever you go there you are. BTW, it’s a myth that people from CA are flocking to TX. I want as far away from CA as possible. I’m working on it….not to Florida though.

  2. If Adam’s plan works, it will only make Fla. redder. But something else is at play here. NY must be losing more people than they let on if they have to come up with a goofy ad campaign to get people to move there.

  3. Met a recently retired cop from CA just moved here to KY. Seems like a good, regular guy and said he felt like he always had to walk on egg shells there and that he’s glad he never had to shoot someone and get “crucified” over it.

  4. 1st time I voted
    Ronny was ’66. One of his slogans was, “If you dont love America GET YOUR ASS OUT!” It was right 56 years ago and its right today!

    DeSantis is copying Ronny. i say GOOD! Leave!

    More I see and hear of DeSantis the more I like him!

    The only regret i have is all the $billionaires who said 6 years ago if Don won they were gone – NEVER LEFT! Just because you’re rich does not make you good!

  5. These people are determined to crash the economy before the elections, then reset in a digital currency.
    Jack up up the price of fuel so you can’t drive anywhere and cut off communications so you can’t tell the truth.
    Stock up on people food and pet food now.

  6. I was on a conference call today and someone that does NOT live in FL comments out of nowhere that they just wrote Desantis a letter about his don’t say gay bill telling him why don’t you just ban pronouns in schools. Even though everyone but me on the call is a democrat no one really said anything, uncomfortable silence. These people are so far removed from reality getting their news from the MSM it is like living on a different planet. Hilarious and bizarre.

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