DOJ: Criminal Background and Citizenship Checks Inhibit Police Diversity – IOTW Report

DOJ: Criminal Background and Citizenship Checks Inhibit Police Diversity

LegalInsurrection: America’s police are facing unprecedented scrutiny amid relentless criticism; it has become so intense that the Wall Street Journal calls it a “crisis” and calls are made to “overhaul” our law enforcement system.  One solution, offered by the abhorrent Al Sharpton, is to nationalize America’s police forces and to place them under the purview of the Justice Department.

Enter the United States Department of Justice.  The DOJ released a report on “Advancing Diversity in Law Enforcement” (embedded below), and it includes some rather . . . interesting proposals.

Among them, suggestions that criminal background checks are inherently racist and allowances should be made to convicted criminals wishing to join a police department in certain circumstances.

From the DOJ report:

Researchers and practitioners have also highlighted that the use of criminal background checks, which are a regular part of the screening process for many agencies, is likely to disproportionately impact racial minority applicants since, for a variety of reasons, individuals from those communities are more likely to have contact with the criminal justice system.  While law enforcement agencies are undeniably justified in carefully vetting and investigating potential hires, excluding applicants regardless of the nature of the underlying offense, or how much time has passed since an offense occurred, or without any consideration of whether the candidate has changed in the intervening period, can be a significant – and unwarranted – barrier.

Another point of contention for the DOJ is the requirement that American police officers be American citizens.


20 Comments on DOJ: Criminal Background and Citizenship Checks Inhibit Police Diversity

  1. So if I’m dealing with a criminal that is likely to have had contact with the criminal justice system, and I call you, -and you’re gonna send me someone who is likely to have had contact with the criminal justice system?

    K. No thanks.

    Solves their police manpower problems too. But maybe they’ll need to hire at the morgue. Eh?

  2. National Lampoons Radio Dinner album from 1972. One skit featured Philadelphia mayor Frank Rizzo saying, “help rid the streets of psychos, morons and mental defectives and put them where they belong. On the force.”

    In 1972 that was comedy. Now it’s policy.

  3. These policies have been tried already in Miami,Fl., during the eighties. So many applicants admitted to trying pot and coke when younger and it was almost impossible to find any who hadn’t that the decision was made to lower the requirements for past drug use and accept these people as recuits. The result was as sad as it was predictable,police corruption and crime including abuse and even murder became commonplace.
    Don’t even want to contemplate how bad a National Police Force would become. What would be a good name? North American Security Interpol….NAZI..I mean NASI.

  4. I totally agree … I was just talking to my buddy the other day & said, you just don’t see any members of the Mafia, the Yakusa, the TonTon Macout, the Russian Mob or Rumanian Street Gangs on police forces, do ya? what’s up w/ that?

  5. Mad jack, “We are Doomed”. Dang that was funny. Yes we are. No longer the equation. How many can you take with you? Hammer back, saftey on. My favorite pistol. Take care buddy.

  6. I’ve got an idea, Loretta, just hire the drug cartels. The DOJ has supplied them with arms, through Fast and Furious, and allowed free access across the border, and probably funds them, also.

    Don’t stop there, hire extreme Islamic terrorists, also. After all, Hillary and Obama armed and supported them in Libya, as they did in Iraq, creating and further supporting ISIS.

  7. Loretta, the first order of business after Trump’s inauguration will be arresting your fat ass. The second order of business will be loading your fat ass on a USAF cargo plane and dropping your fat ass off in the middle of Colombia, without parachutes, and from 30000 ft altitude. We will have cameras and guns on the ground to watch you splat! if by some odd twist of fate, you survive the impact, then you will be dealt the coup de gras. Sucks doesn’t it, when the nation hates your fat ass with such passion only death becomes you now.

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