DOJ Declined Prosecution Of Senior Official Accused Of Sexual Assault Against Subordinate – IOTW Report

DOJ Declined Prosecution Of Senior Official Accused Of Sexual Assault Against Subordinate

DC: The Department of Justice (DOJ) declined prosecution of a senior agency official who allegedly sexually harassed female subordinates, sexually assaulted another, and lied about it to the DOJ’s office of the inspector general.

The official, who worked with DOJ’s Office of Justice Programs, is not identified in a summary of a report released Tuesday by the Office of the Inspector General (OIG). The official retired from office, the report states.

The OIG, which is led by Michael Horowitz, claims it substantiated the official:

  • “Sexually harassed one subordinate when he pressured her into a sexual relationship with him in exchange for a promotion;
  • Sexually harassed another subordinate when he made repeated verbal sexual  advances to her and ultimately sexually assaulted her; and
  • Sexually harassed two other subordinates by engaging in sexually inappropriate conduct toward them.”

The inspector general also found during the investigation the official allegedly had a long-term sexual relationship with a subordinate and might have supervised her performance evaluations.  read more

15 Comments on DOJ Declined Prosecution Of Senior Official Accused Of Sexual Assault Against Subordinate

  1. It’d be a shame if this scumbag’s name was leaked, but the Deepers will never let that happen. I bet with a little sleuthing, it could be figured out.

    Funny how how Bill Priestap is “retiring” at the same time this comes out, no?

  2. Let us not forget the many elected House and Senate members who settled sexual harassment cases with our Tax Dollars. Assuming no personal or financial responsibility for their illegal actions.

    The names of the perpetrators remain still hidden from the people as well as the financial settlements.

  3. Sorry, but the first thought that comes to my mind is do these women have no real men in their lives? Wife, daughter, friend is a victim of any level of sexual assault, would there perhaps be repercussions? Would somebody have the opportunity to wear his balls as earrings?

    Once again, the questions are being asked for a friend.

  4. Somebody ought to ask the IG why they felt they should not publish this guys name. It strikes me there are no national security excuses here and while there has been no criminal conviction (and apparently no thoughts about pursing one) the allegations have been proved to the IG’s satisfaction which would should have meant the employee’s termination prior to taking the escape chute of retirement. Publish the name and if the person tried to sue then prove the case in civil court.

  5. It shouldn’t be their decision to make. This case should have been investigated by another agency. In my estimation, the individuals who gave him a pass are now accessories to the initial offense and guilty of obstruction and conspiracy to obstruct justice.
    See, when I put MY mind to it I can come up with all kinds of criminal acts perpetrated by individuals, even in the “Justice” department (that’s a laugh) who were “just doing their job”.


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