DOJ Declines To Comment On Why Agency Won’t Investigate Threats To Electors – IOTW Report

DOJ Declines To Comment On Why Agency Won’t Investigate Threats To Electors

DailyCaller- WASHINGTON — The Department of Justice did not want to discuss why the agency refuses to investigate alleged harassment and death threats toward Electoral College voters in states that went for Donald Trump.

“The department will decline to comment,” DOJ deputy press secretary David Jacobs told The Daily Caller in an email Wednesday afternoon.

The Justice Department seemed concerned about protecting voters from being intimidated at the polls on Election Day. It deployed 500 monitors to 67 jurisdictions in 28 states to watch polling stations this past presidential election cycle.

The department’s goal is “to see to it that every eligible voter can participate in our elections to the full extent that federal law provides,” Attorney General Loretta Lynch said in a statement at the time to the Chicago Tribune. “The department is deeply committed to the fair and unbiased application of our voting rights laws and we will work tirelessly to ensure that every eligible person that wants to do so is able to cast a ballot.”

Some have wondered, then, why the Justice Department and the FBI will not investigate the recent claims of threats and harassment of these electors as per violation of Section 11b of the Voting Rights Act (52 U.S.C. §10307).

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16 Comments on DOJ Declines To Comment On Why Agency Won’t Investigate Threats To Electors

  1. dickHolder got the appropriate feedback when he guffawed “What? Prosecute MY people?!”

    History will label this era the “Crappy and Crappier” portion of Am History.

  2. They might look into it if it was a black elector getting harassed by a white southerner.
    Unless the elector is for Trump.
    One of those electors needs to say something about gay wedding cakes and gender specific restrooms at the yoga clinic.

  3. People, people… There is a little legal niggle called “jurisdiction.” It has been established, and no reasonable prosecutor would disagree, that Trump voters are not Americans. Unless The Real America(TM) has an extradition treaty with where ever Trump voters are citizens of, there’s nothing The Real America can do to protect them.

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