DOJ Files Lawsuits Against NJ and Washington Over Dangerous Sanctuary Policies – IOTW Report

DOJ Files Lawsuits Against NJ and Washington Over Dangerous Sanctuary Policies

Attorney General Bill Barr announced yesterday that the Department of Justice has filed lawsuits against the sanctuary state of New Jersey and a county in Washington for policies which protect criminal illegal aliens.

During a speech to the National Sheriffs’ Association Winter Legislative and Technology Conference, Barr said the DOJ was filing a complaint against the state of New Jersey “seeking declaratory and injunctive relief against its laws that forbid state and local law enforcement from sharing vital information about criminal aliens with DHS.”

“Let us state the reality upfront and as clearly as possible: When we are talking about sanctuary cities, we are talking about policies that are designed to allow criminal aliens to escape. These policies are not about people who came to our country illegally but have otherwise been peaceful and productive members of society,” he said. “Their express purpose is to shelter aliens whom local law enforcement has already arrested for other crimes. This is neither lawful nor sensible.” read more

11 Comments on DOJ Files Lawsuits Against NJ and Washington Over Dangerous Sanctuary Policies

  1. “… gradual escalation did not work in veet-nam …”

    It was “proportioned response” as opposed to “the fustest with the mostest” and it is not now, and has never been, a recipe for victory.
    McNamara and his brainiacs came up with that particular bit of treason – he never believed in victory (his words, not mine) so he developed a sort of “managed defeat” which was characterized by pusillanimity and re-action.

    President Trump has been anything but re-active and there must be multiple avenues available (though I don’t know what they are) to circumvent traitors aiding and abetting infiltrating invaders.
    He tried the money angle year before last, but the Supremes (intentionally misreading the Constitution) knocked that down.
    Maybe cut off ALL AID to ALL cities (not a function of the FedGov in the first place) thereby sidestepping the Supremes bullshit? Let the States stew in their own juices?

    izlamo delenda est …


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