DOJ gets in the movie business – IOTW Report

DOJ gets in the movie business


U.S. Scrutinizes Conduct of Movie Theaters

AMC, Regal say Justice Department has asked for information in investigation.

Regal Entertainment Group and AMC Entertainment Holdings Inc.,the nation’s two largest movie theater chains, have received formal inquiries from the Justice Department’s Antitrust Division, signaling growing government scrutiny of a tactic large theater operators commonly use to keep movies out of competing locations.

AMC, which has faced the most backlash in the exhibition industry over the practices, told investors the Justice Department wants information “in connection with an investigation,” according to an AMC notice filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission on Monday, into “potentially anticompetitive conduct” at the company.

Regal made a similar disclosure on Monday.


12 Comments on DOJ gets in the movie business

  1. I hate the movie theaters, I haven’t been in one in over a decade. It must have been something to do with my dislike of all things lamestream and related fleecing that makes me want to fall asleep. Much better to wait for the DVD.

  2. I can see it all. Movie Theaters, a dying business, will be driven out of business by a Federal government that is way out of control. They will force them to close because they were anti-competitive and tried to restrict where a particular movie could be seen. This will be followed by a period of no movie theaters until some silly left-wingers want to reminisce about the good ole’ days and will seek a government grant to establish a small group of theaters with the purpose of preserving this long ago experience. Over the following years the budget for this project will grow and we will end up with a public/private hybrid where the government is now running a chain of federally owned movie theaters all across the country in which they show only the best movies Hollywood can produce, since it will all require government approval to make the movies in the first place by then.

  3. The gubbmint now wants to regulate movie theaters just like they want (and will) regulate how people consume alt media (Netflix, Amazon, Hulu etc…) with Net Nuetrality. So, there isn’t anywhere to go for mindless entertainment that hasn’t been sanctioned by some “official” in a cubicle in DC. At some point will Hollywood wake up?

    I can’t believe so many Americans are okay with this tailspin we are in. My FB wall is now filled with supporters of Bernie Sanders-they think he is better than Hillary-but they will vote for her if she gets the nom. Ugh!!!

  4. @Woody You forgot how the gov’t theater chain will restrict the gov’t supplied movies to be shown only in its theaters, since they ‘own’ the rights to distribution and performance. Sorta like how AMC is doing it now.
    Full Circle-Jerk.

  5. Gibson Guitars

    Really BIG problems facing America,
    not that piddlin-shit like:

    Nuclear Iran
    Rampant Corruption
    “Green” Energy Corruption
    Payoffs to Unions
    Flood of Rat-People
    Rampaging Ferals
    Out of Control Bureaucracy
    110 million people out of work
    Lies, lies, and more lies from our elected officials
    Conspiracy to commit Treason by the President, Senate Majority Leader, and House Speaker
    Murders committed by the collusion of the SecState and White House
    Clandestine Arms Shipments to the moslem Brotherhood
    Poison gas, stolen from Iraq, used on Syrians …

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