DOJ Gives Devin Nunes, Trey Gowdy and HPSCI Leadership Access To Intelligence Origination Documents – IOTW Report

DOJ Gives Devin Nunes, Trey Gowdy and HPSCI Leadership Access To Intelligence Origination Documents

CTH: Last night House Intelligence Chairman Devin Nunes threatened to impeach FBI Director Christopher Wray and Asst. Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, if not granted access to review the two-page intelligence community origination document that kicked-off the 2016 FBI counterintelligence operation against candidate Donald Trump.

Today Rosenstein and Wray allowed Chairman Nunes and Trey Gowdy to review the origination document, also known as the “electronic communication” (EC).  House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence Chairman Devin Nunes issued the following statement today:

“After numerous unfulfilled requests for an Electronic Communication (EC) related to the opening of the FBI’s Russia counterintelligence probe, Chairman Trey Gowdy and I met this afternoon with Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein. During the meeting, we were finally given access to a version of the EC that contained the information necessary to advance the Committee’s ongoing investigation of the Department of Justice and FBI. Although the subpoenas issued by this Committee in August 2017 remain in effect, I’d like to thank Deputy Attorney General Rosenstein for his cooperation today.”   (link)

The two-page electronic communication (EC) is essentially the intelligence report from CIA Director John Brennan, that started the FBI Counterintelligence Operation against the campaign of Donald Trump.

From The Hill: […] According to a Justice Department official, the remaining redactions in the document are “narrowly tailored to protect the name of a foreign country and the name of a foreign agent.” Specifics have been replaced with identifiers like “foreign official” and “foreign government,” the official said.

“These words must remain redacted after determining that revealing the words could harm the national security of the American people by undermining the trust we have with this foreign nation,” the official continued, adding that they appear “only a limited number of times, and do no obstruct the underlying meaning of the document.(link)

However, thanks to leaks from John Brennan (CIA) and James Clapper (ODNI) to the New York Times we already know the ridiculous content of the redactions.  The “foreign nation” was Australia, and the “foreign agent” was Alexander Downer.  READ MORE

6 Comments on DOJ Gives Devin Nunes, Trey Gowdy and HPSCI Leadership Access To Intelligence Origination Documents

  1. The reason I bring this up is that a couple of days ago, reports said that the Senate Intel Committee was going to be getting the interacted info, too. Now, it seems they are not. Whose decision was that?

  2. Sounds like the swamp is still firmly entrenched, a few heads still need to be lopped off if you really intended to clean the mess up and not just move the players about.

  3. who still thinks the fbi, cia and nsc are controlled by their elected representatives, show of hands ?

    there is an awesome bridge over the hudson river in nyc I want to show you, it can be had real cheap.

    even schumer warned Trump about the intel community, schumer is scared shitless of them.
    how is schumer supposed to oversee them as is his duty as a senator when he is scared of them ?

    sooner rather than later president Trump will need the citizens to back him up against the swamp.

    how come it’s not a national security risk for government agencies to keep secrets from the citizens ?

    help me get my head around that one or wrap it up in duct tape.

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