DOJ has filed charges against the State of New York – IOTW Report

DOJ has filed charges against the State of New York

@AGPamBondi announces the DOJ has filed charges against the State of New York, Gov. Kathy Hochul, AG Letitia James, and DMV Commissioner Mark Schroeder. “New York has chosen to prioritize illegal aliens over American citizens. It stops — it stops TODAY.” — @RapidResponse47

21 Comments on DOJ has filed charges against the State of New York

  1. lol fed judges, you, your fellow unelected bureaucrat tyrants and the Uniparty have all been played by PDT:

    “The courts may have stalled President Trump’s firing orders, but he just sidestepped them, and built in large-scale reductions in force, by requiring four employees to be laid off by the agencies for every new hire.

    Without waiting for any possible Congressional budget cuts, the agencies must start shrinking immediately. Good luck enjoining that.

    In just the last 24 hours, Trump has deployed the threat of a historic, Swamp-draining reconciliation bill, forced deep-state classified disclosures, devastating counter-leaks, public-official grifting investigations, and a new Executive Order requiring massive downsizing and making Resistance a terminable offense.”

    Please read the whole thing. It’s almost heartwarming, even if only a fraction of it comes to pass.

  2. I hope the team doing the pre-dawn SWAT raid arrests the culprits on live streaming, trashes their houses, takes everything electronic down to the smart refrigerator, all this after shooting the dog.

    I agree wholeheartedly with @Brad. It doesn’t count without a perp walk at the police station or courthouse.

  3. Uncle Al
    Wednesday, 12 February 2025, 20:49 at 8:49 pm
    “… all this after shooting the dog.”

    Leave the dog out of it.

    Just shoot the Democrat.

    In the crotch, because thats the only thing they care about and where most of their thinking comes from…

  4. @SNS — You’re right. I don’t want any dogs harmed.

    Unless they’re some new overbred mutt with a cutesy name ending in “-doodle” or “-poo”. (I don’t really mean that, I just despise those names!)

  5. @Anon,

    Nope… Gotta iron all the bugs out of the process first. Practice on NY, then hit Kali just before the midterms. Time it for maximum damage. Also… It’s going to be a loooong list for Newscum & friends.



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